Hey guys my testicles have been shrinking since May 2021 when I first developed PFS symptoms.
Doctors don’t believe me that they’ve shrunken, and I have no hard data to prove to them.
I’ve tried taking photos, water displacement, and measuring, but all those had complications.
Now, almost a year later, I’m just realizing that there’s a tool specifically for this. It’s called an “Orchidometer”: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchidometer
Maybe everyone here already knows about it and I’m an idiot for not finding it sooner. But, I figured I’d share anyways.
I just purchased from Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Prader-Orchidometer-Staging-Geekidoc-Quality/dp/B01LVVOCQX
I really wish I’d know about this sooner. I told my story to my GP, 2 urologists, and my endocrinologist. Nobody recommended anything, and I found it through my own research.
Now I can take pics / video with actual color-coded, numbered, and standardized testicle sizes to prove that my atrophy is real.
I’m sick of medical professionals denying our condition. But, the problem is systemic… their commitment to the mainstream narrative is driven by fear. Or, they’re pawns of the system, grossly unaware that their “science” is the new religion.