Tracker's treatment log with Clomiphene Citrate

I’ve started clomiphene citrate 50mg/day about 25 days ago. I am receipted to be on this treatment for 6 months. 20 days on and 10 days off.
The first month is over so those are my conclusions till now:

My libido did not get any better so sexsual intercourse is still challanging for me
I’ve begun to have strong morning and nocturnal erections.
My erections became long lasting.
Genital sensitivity and general genital mood changed somewhat on the negative side
My well-being improved obviously
Mussle mass is increased
I am going to have my total+free testosterone, estradiol, SHBG checked in about ten days.

25mg Cialis is the part of this treatment. When I take it I reach very strong erections through almost all nighttime, but I feel no libido. So this erection doesn’t lead me to any kind of sexuality. So lack of libido is still the biggest issue for me.

Thanks for the update, please keep us posted on your progress over next 6 months.

Arkadas did you have any sort of change in the ball size? Did clomid improve it or is it too early to tell?
When do you take cialis?? Every nights steady time??

Do you know if the increase in noctural erections are due to the clomid or the cialis? Did you start taking them both at the same time or did you pile one on top of the other after a period of treatment?

In my experience cialis will do that for nocturnal and morning erections, so would think it would be that.

If he’s having no libido still I doubt the clomid is really doing anything sexually. Same old story: what PFS damages can’t be fixed
but other low T problems which weren’t an issue anyway, in tracker’s case muscles, can be. Personally speaking I would love for
my muscle loss to be rectified by boosting T but it seems that every aspect of your health affected by PFS is difficult to treat.

Note also he reports some actual worsening of genital sensitivity as have others who have tried supplementing androgens.
I haven’t tried serms and the more I read the more it sounds a potentially risky proposition for some of us.