Towards improving post-SSRI sexual dysfunction by using nutriceuticals: Lessons from a case study


GiĆ  letto, a mio parere ĆØ inutile.

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Anyone know what this EDOVIS treatment he used was? Googling it does not give me any results

Likely. Weā€™ve set up discobot to post studies that may have possible relevance to the post-drug conditions, so this has just been automatically posted.


Discobot is not smart enought yet to figure out if a publication is good or inutile, but with time he may get smarter :wink:

In any case, he is working hard in the background to keep us all up to date with the latest studies related to our syndrome.


I read an interesting study on SSRIs, later I public!
Talk about a new drug for ED therapy.

That makes sense. I thought why wold Axolotl or Awor post as ā€œAdminā€ and post a case study of a single person? Thatā€™s not like themā€¦ :wink:

Has anyone tried it?

The ingredients are the classic supplements that have been tried here basically since the early days of the forum. Some people have claimed benefits, but for most they did not do anything. You can use the forum search to get some impressions.

I have tried to find the ingredients can you tell me what are they other than L-citruline

They cured PSSD in a 23yr old guy with a supplement blend Edovis, which contains L-citrulline, tribulus, maca, muira puama, and folic acid. Results were seen after 4 months use, and a 1-yr followup reported no sexual dysfunction.

Has anyone else tried it?

I just read about a guy with PSSD on Reddit who improved significantly (according to himself) by using Wellbutrin (150mg), EDOVIS, and Cialis (5mg) simultaneously.

Iā€™ll try L-Citrulline, Muira Puma, Tribulus, and Maca for a week beginning today and report back. Although I canā€™t guarantee I get the dosages right. Also donā€™t have Damiana or Folic acid.

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Please be careful and good luck

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