Toremifene Citrate (Fareston) The NEW CLOMID, HCG & NOLDADEX

Toremifene Citrate AKA “Torem,” the latest in body builder science, I have some here, may be starting it soon, it restores natural test and is an estrogen blocker. I haven’t researched it enough, I encourage you guys to check it out, I heard from a body builder friend of mine (with estrogen issues), he just started it, he said it is supposed to really kick your production back up really well. I encourage you guys to research it, it is on my list.

What’s the difference between toremiphene and clomid and novaldex?
I’m interesting in SERMS because beekay was improving with test boosters and when he added SERMS he accelerated the recovery. He already had good testosterone levels because he was taking high dosage of vitamin d.

What I think may happrned is that tribulus, tongkat ali and others test-boosters when taken correctly it increase androgen receptors (then injections start to work again) and if SERMS block the estrogen receptor it may helped the t-boosters increase even further and faster the AR.

Could you search about it?
Also why some people respond to test-boosters and why some people don’t? Apr1989 answered that people who don’t respond from it because they take a poor quality, low dosage or not long enough. One member told me that he just responded between the third and fourth week.

Also he felt the up and down with a better base line, just like the guys who got cured said on progesgerone protocol and other protocols.

Tribulus/Protodioscin does increase androgen receptors in the brain.

Torem is a good alternative for clomid, however I would still suggest to run it with nolva and HCG. I do not have any experience with torem myself but I’ve heard good things from friends and my readings.

  Torem is the new Nolvadex, using them together would be redundant, Torem has made Nolvadex obsolete, you should research shit before you come on here posting like you can offer advice, you are offering advice on Torem when you don't know what it is? Why would you run Torem with Nolva when Torem does everything Nolva does and is better and replacing it? Dude people here aren't stupid, I think you need to read the forums before posting anymore.

Following… anyone going to try?

This is the ultimate estrogen antagonist, unfortunately I cannot locate a source:

Unlike SERMs it actually degrades the estrogen receptor, making you less sensitive even after discontinuation.

Hi friends, I came here especially just to post this, I felt that it was essential to get this information to you guys over here that aren’t at Solvepfs. I just took my first dose of Torem (after my body builder friend gave me rave reviews of restoring his testicles). Look what I just found!

Toremifene Citrate

In 2007 the pharmaceutical company GTx, Inc was conducting two different phase 3 clinical trials; First, a pivotal Phase clinical trial for the treatment of serious side effects of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)

Torem is being tested as a treatment for serious side effects of Androgen Deprivation Therapy!!! I would say we have serious side effects of androgen deprivation!!! I just took my first dose, body builders are using it to restore endogenous testosterone. I will be posting progress at, if you want to follow, but I felt that after reading that, it would be wrong for me not to come and share it with you guys. This drug just as a mono therapy has potential to treat PFS (in THEORY), even researchers who dealt with the PFS study for penile skin concluded that the changes in skin were due to androgen deprivation (it’s in the study if you read it).

Hope to see you at solvepfs, I won’t be coming back to read replies to this, I was just posting as I had to get it to my old friends here, you guys.