sounds quite possible especially as fin shrinks prostates (thus crippling the blood vessels). Fin was originally used (and still is) to treat prostate cancer by shrinking the prostate (by up to 75% in some cases)…thus shrinking the cancer with it. Merck only decided to market fin (propecia) as a hairloss tab when it was noticed some prostatic cancer patients’ hair started to regrow. All about $$$$$.
The question is is it reversible?? For a lucky few maybe but I took it for 3 weeks max and went from sexually stud-like to complete chemical castration…that was nearly 3 years ago, nothing has ever improved.
Danny, Is that the theory you just posted? You should go back in your post and seperate the large paragraphs with more spacing in between. It’s incredibly difficult to read it, plus I’m having kind of a shitty feeling day and makes me just say forget this one.
Is anyone else’s penis very pale at the tip since the problems?
Hi Danny, never tried these although they keep cropping up in my investigations - have you tried them at all? If so what effect did they have?
Cheers, JayUK
mail/link me your theory and I’ll read it!
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