

So I assume your trying to make an assumption that these problems are caused by men using propecia and an asthma medication. Sorry, but you are terribly wrong. The loss of sensation in the penis during sex is directly caused by propecia. I have this problem and have never taken any other medications.

Read through some of the posts. There are hundreds of men here that experienced this problem and they are not using asthma medications. I’m sure Mew or someone else could give you a medical description of what hormones are blocked to cause this.

i dont think there is a need to be rude to danny for THIS post, but im not sure asthma inhalers are the connection as well. corticosteroids might have something to do with it, but as boston says - it isnt the link that all of us have.

He’s telling you this and he doesn’t even know what the drug is? Turn around and go in the opposite direction of this guy, quickly. My God…

Danny, asthma meds have NOTHING to do with this, nor do they cause gyno, fibrotic penile tissue changes, reduced ejaculate, genital numbness, loss of morning/nocturnal/spontaneous erections, impotence etc. You are barking up the wrong tree.

Vast majority, self included, never took any other medications or had any other pre-existing problems before taking Finasteride. Blaming “asthma meds”, or trying to draw a correlation between other medications and Finasteride as causing the problem, is to absolve Finasteride of any responsibility for our situations (while using other meds as a scapegoat and excuse).

Why do people feel the need to look for other factors when Finasteride is documented to have these negative effects, and has been officially recognized as causing persistent erectile dysfunction even after quitting? I don’t get your thought processes, it really is a waste of time and energy and you will be putting yourself on a wild goosechase for nothing.


There was nothing rude about my post to danny. However, I’m not going to sugar coat the facts about how dangerous and extensive the propecia usage extends. Now after reading Danny’s second post on this thread it’s quite clear that he was being swayed to think this way by his own doctor.


Keep looking for a good edno doctor. You will find one, but it usually takes some time to locate one. I had to see three endo’s to finally find a good one.

Well Propecia itself is a mild corticosteroid. So if you take propecia and other adrenal suppresive medecine it could add up to reduced adrenal function when disscontinuing.

Or ppl could just have low adrenal function even before propecia and then when they went of it adrenals were even poorer.

Speculation i know…

But i think i was one of those ppl with weak adrenals when i started propecia. Ive been stressed since early teens about stuff, could never sleep etc.

Rant over…


I had stretchmarks in the exact same place from propecia. Not as visable as yours as they were not as red. I thought perhaps i got them from growing to fast. I put on some bulk on propecia. Have lost the muscle now and the strechmarks are barely visable if it all.

I am having the same problem however my stretch marks are appearing at least a year after I took the drug. What has the doctor said to you? I am kepping my cortisol levels measured.

why dont you post all the ranges

Yeah my test results came back all normal as well. I am seeing an endocrinologist soon; but I am far from hopeful. He/she will just turn me away when I say I have a problem. I can’t believe a drug such as finastaride could of been so dangerous. Please if anyone has any answers or wants to comment please do so.

I really do not understand how this drug rapidly increases your age even after discontinuing it.


maybe you need to read a little more, it appears your new here. If you had the same hormone profile as a guy who was 70, what would that do to the rest of your body? Yup, you guessed it, Your skin would wrinkle, you would lose bone, muscle, memory, etc.