
I agree with Dustin, this was a recovery for a full year.

Question for you Dustin: did you ever take anastrozole (Arimidex)? Have you considered that high estradiol may have been causing your ED?

How is progress?

The thing with Arimidex is that on a testosterone dose that high your estradiol would have been well out of range. My estradiol levels are past the upper limit of the assay, and I’m on only 250mg test. It could be just that you didn’t take enough Arimidex to put a meaningful dent your levels, let alone bring them down to the middle of the reference range, which is where you should be aiming. Did you get any bloods done while on Arimidex?

I haven’t read any comments regarding Dustin’s telephone consultation with Dr. Crisler. It is very disturbing that Dr. Crisler was apparently not prepared for the call… At the equivalent rate of $400/hour I expect the doctor to have read the information provided by the patient and not waste the precious consultation time reviewing the requested paperwork.

I remember reading somewhere that Dr. Crisler requires his patients to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I have never come across such a requirement in order to obtain medical treatment and it raises a big red flag for me. I suppose that we now know the reason for the non-disclosure agreement…

Hi Dustin

how much and which T are you taking?
when you go off do you feel any negative sides from stopping T injections?
did you feel any negaive effects or shut down from T?
could you write down your complete protocol?
any HCG?



Hey Dustin, how is life my friend?

are you still taking 200 eod?

Thats what is so trippy is sometimes a boost of a bunch of test does the trick for a few days and sometimes no test does the trick …i had a period of a week where i was good as new about 2 weeks after my last shot of testosterone

I notice the same thing sometimes!There are times when I miss my weekly T dose(100 mg split in 2 doses every 3 1/2 days) and I get this major boost in libido from some unknown cause.I just don’t get it anymore…frustrating.

Anyone know what happened here? This thread has some really interesting post but OP obviously edited all old messages. There are quite a few useful stories/experiences with HCG here which Dr. Bruhin recommends.