
Our balls make many more harmones besides T and just T is not the only harmone we need. so that is why clomid is more beneficial.


dustin after one month off of evey thing how do u feel? I am surprise you are not complaining of any fatigue or pain?
how is ur sleep and apetite?


Just a suggestion,as you and I are running a similar protocol with similar results.I am thinking about adding in HCG or HMG(google it…it is an LH AND FSH analogue).I am thinking that maybe the missing LH/FSH in our bodies might be making things worse…only one way to know and that is to try it.
Also there is some talk about the importance of maintaining normal pregnenolone and DHEA levels while on TRT.My DHEA is rock bottom and I have yet to test Preg.Check this link which explains it:


Pregnelone does help with adrenal health…I take it…

If you are taking the pill, you must take the MICRONIZED sustain release one that by passes the liver…otherwise you need the transdermal cream…The other pills do not work that well…

How are you feeling now Dustin?

I notice you didn’t have e2 checked?

Again, not a recovery…I really think the majority of the “recovery stories” should be moved to the member section. Because, honestly, everybody of us could post in the recovery section…this is just a matter of working very, very, very hard in order to recover, and this is what nearly everyone of us has been doing everyday since years and years.

A REAL recovery section should ONLY include people who recovered after more than 3 months and never again had problems.

People who get well in less than 3 months don’t apply either, this is the way things should be, and is not a recovery, just “quitting the med who got them ill”.

I know I’m looking like a troll, but it’s not the problem here. It is not logical to see a recovery section filled whith people who crash again and again, let’s show the things the way they are, not labelling “recovery” a single will to recover: who doesn’t have one?

I agree with Dustin, this was a recovery for a full year.

Question for you Dustin: did you ever take anastrozole (Arimidex)? Have you considered that high estradiol may have been causing your ED?

How is progress?

The thing with Arimidex is that on a testosterone dose that high your estradiol would have been well out of range. My estradiol levels are past the upper limit of the assay, and I’m on only 250mg test. It could be just that you didn’t take enough Arimidex to put a meaningful dent your levels, let alone bring them down to the middle of the reference range, which is where you should be aiming. Did you get any bloods done while on Arimidex?

I haven’t read any comments regarding Dustin’s telephone consultation with Dr. Crisler. It is very disturbing that Dr. Crisler was apparently not prepared for the call… At the equivalent rate of $400/hour I expect the doctor to have read the information provided by the patient and not waste the precious consultation time reviewing the requested paperwork.

I remember reading somewhere that Dr. Crisler requires his patients to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I have never come across such a requirement in order to obtain medical treatment and it raises a big red flag for me. I suppose that we now know the reason for the non-disclosure agreement…

Hi Dustin

how much and which T are you taking?
when you go off do you feel any negative sides from stopping T injections?
did you feel any negaive effects or shut down from T?
could you write down your complete protocol?
any HCG?



Hey Dustin, how is life my friend?