Took less than one serving of a supplement with Saw Palmetto


Recently I wanted to try a new supplement just to improve my general health. I found one that had a lot of positive responses (and a lot of ingredients). Foolish of me, I didn’t even think to read the ingredients because I assumed that this product would be perfectly safe for me.

The serving size for it is 7 pills per day, but I thought that was a bit much, and so on the morning of September 5th I took 4 of the pills and guzzled them down with water. It was only AFTER I took them that I decided to read the ingredients for the product: “CONTAINS 160MG SAW PALMETTO PER SERVING” and I actually knew of the potential dangers of it and it freaked me out. There were also some other ingredients that I’ve heard were 5a reuptake inhibitors too (190mg Phytosterols, 100mg Stinging Nettle Extract, etc.). At first I got a bit worried, but that day and the following day everything seemed to be going fine, no sexual problems or side effects or anything. Then yesterday, I did not feel the need to masturbate, but it’s common for me to skip a day or two so I didn’t think much of it.

Today, however, I suddenly had a strange feeling that something was really wrong. I don’t know if it was just me getting panicky over this saw palmetto thing or if there really is something going on within me, but I suddenly started to get very dizzy on top of having no desire to masturbate. I knew these was a side effects to the Saw Palmetto, and being a very anxious person myself I naturally panicked. My penis appears to have gotten smaller too, but that just happens when I’m extremely anxious, honestly.

And now here I am after a few hours of pacing around my apartment. I just wanna get an opinion from you guys, did I fuck myself up for a while, or did I catch myself before I did anything worse? I am 20 years old, 5’9 and 130lbs. I feel like the dizzyness I was describing is starting to diminish but I’m not really sure, and I haven’t encountered any other symptoms other than the ones I’ve described.

Please answer as soon as possible.

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@DidIMakeaMistake how are you now?