I fully agree with Markus. I tried a benzodiazepine based drug (Temesta) under medical supervision. You get tolerant real quick and it is difficult to quit.
The drug I am taking during the day is Endronax which is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI) and not an SSRI. It works over a different pathway in the brain and has a very different effect. It is not known to have the potential for permanent sexual sides like SSRIâs.
Instead of taking a benzodiazepine I would give low dose Remeron a try. Remeron comes in 30mg (hard) and 15mg(soft) tablets. The soft tablets are easy to cut into quarters and that is what I do. So I am taking roughly 3.8mg Remeron before going to bed. It will put you to sleep nicely, get you into long, deep REM sleep phases and hence you will get nocturnal/morning wood. Remeron has the best sedative effect at low doses. It has pretty long half life so it will keep you calm during the day.