Took finasteride while on TRT 2.0

10 years later after Awor made his post. For some reason I didn’t “google” “trt finasteride”- before taking the pill. Would have been smart. Probably would have saved my life. I’m going to find a way to save it anyways.

But in the worst of the worst shape I’d say for PFS’ers. I’m 4 months in and have been on solvepfs the last few months, but I’d like to get my story public. And another register for “TRT finasteride” on google so guys on TRT get wary of taking this horrible horrible pill.

I am one of those that crashed. I took the pill for 15 days in November, stopped it on the 17th. Felt like shit the next two weeks with adrenal fatigue symptoms (I had this from 2014-2016, that’s why I was on testosterone cream with preg and t3). But the 3rd week after stopping I was back to my normal self, in the gym, productive week as a human being with night erections again.

Week 4, I started feeling shitty again- pregnenolone doses gave anxiety, and testosterone cream didn’t feel the same. I noticed blood pressure (which I had been monitoring) moved from the 120-130 range to the 140-150 range. Yea something was up.

Week 5: Panic attacks, major anxiety, loss of nocturnal erections, loss of libido, crippiling fatigue, the worst racing thoughts and anxiety you could ever imagine.

This was around December 15th now. I decided to stay off drugs except my HRT and 5a-dhp for the rest of the month as I got bloodwork done. January was HRT with a mix of antidepressants (cyproheptadine, abilify omg this was hell, tianeptine), saw Jacobs who went right to his “ATIVAN- THE CURE FOR PFS” speech.

Side note about Jacobs- the guy is literally horrible with this. For him to have credibility as a PFS doctor or even as a doctor at all. He had zero clue. I couldn’t respect a word he said. He couldn’t say I had a cortisol issue in the past when I showed him rock bottom saliva cortisol from 2014 (yea I know a dude with a prior endocrine disorder took fin, in 2017, what an idiot). He didn’t believe in saliva cortisol. He brought out a book from the 90s saying “I follow this book on medicine”- yea its a book from the 90s on medicine dude. Propecia was FDA approved in the 90s. 20 years ago man- get over yourself.

Since then I really realized T therapies really increase anxiety significantly. I got off, I had to. I’m trying to heal without T at the moment, but will most likely go on an HCG mono eventually or TRT if the body enables me. With T cream, I still had pretty decent erections/ libido say 4/10. Without I am 0/10 like nothing there. HCG mono/tribulus I was actually just as good like 4/10. T cypionate was horrible like 2/10.

Sexuality is definitely an issue, but way in the back of the list as to how messed up this pill made me. I essesntially have to be on a mental drug or I feel knives in my brain at all times. The body is supposed to run on cortisol, as I programmed it to do so pre-fin with TRT/preg/t3, now I can’t do these things at all. The body runs on adrenaline at all times. Its pretty horribly scary. Using cyprheptadine, Ativan have been my two favorites I’d say to keep things in line so I can at least get through a day. I know the drugs need to end. I’m considering stem cell therapy to get the brain functional without the drugs.

I’ve moved out of my apartment in Boston, into my parents house, barely work right now. Things aren’t good. I don’t know- I have hope for the future with stem cells, CRISPR/Khera’s findings, hopefully the possibility to use HRT again- life was amazing on it.

I don’t know- I truly am the epitome of an idiot though. The year 2017 and you use finasteride. There is way too much documentation out there of its horribleness for me to use this pill. Esspecially someone that had adrenal fatigue issues in the past. Really doesn’t make sense.

I’m pretty sure I was actually a low 5ar guy in the first place (low end dht, high end T from bloodwork in 2013 before adrenal issues caused a plummeting T). I feel like my starting line is probably several hundred yards behind the next guy due to this- along with adrenal fatigue issues completely back in the worst full storm you could imagine.

I’ll put up my symptoms etc. tomorrow, but yea 4 months in I think I’m screwed until I find a way to figure this out. Which I probably won’t- but why not me?


  1. Where are you from (country)?
    Boston, MA USA

  2. How did you find this forum (Google search – if so, what search terms? Via link from a forum or website – if so, what page? Other?)
    Google search

  3. What is your current age, height, weight?
    28, 5’8 162 (down from 185 pre crash 6 months ago)

  4. Do you excercise regularly? If so, what type of excercise?
    I went to gym 5-6 days a week before crash- now 0-1. I am trying to change that- but yea I’m that sick it made that big of a change. Cannot do any cardio- zero chance.

  5. What type of diet do you eat (vegetarian, meat eater, raw, fast-food/organic healthy)?
    Was pretty paleo pre-fin barring binge days on weekends.

  6. Why did you take Finasteride (hair loss, BPH, other)?
    Hair loss because I was on HRT

  7. For how long did you take Finasteride (weeks/months/years)?
    17 days

  8. How old were you, and WHEN (date) did you start Finasteride?

  9. How old were you when you quit, and WHEN (date) did you quit?

  10. How did you quit (cold turkey or taper off)?
    cold turkey, but I did stop it for a few days on 11/4 felt returned to normal for 1 day. Then began it again like 1 day after I felt normal.

  11. What type of Finasteride did you use – Propecia, Proscar, Fincar or other generic?

  12. What dose did you take (eg. 1 mg/day, 1 mg every other day etc.)?
    1.25 mg EOD- split them into quarters

  13. How long into your use of Finasteride did you notice the onset of side effects?
    I knew the libido drop was coming right away and felt it. I had DHT in the 130 range from my TRT so it didn’t shock me knowing DHT was going down 70% or so. I actually felt more “normal” sexually rather than a sexual robot on TRT where it was almost too much LOL.

  14. What side effects did you experience while on the drug that have yet to resolve since discontinuation? Ughhhhh…

Put an X beside all that apply:

[xxx] Loss of Libido / Sex Drive
[xxx] Erectile Dysfunction
[x] Complete Impotence
[x] Loss of Morning Erections
[xxxxx] Loss of Spontaneous Erections
[x] Loss of Nocturnal Erections
[x] Watery Ejaculate
[x] Reduced Ejaculate
[x] Inability to Ejaculate / Orgasm
[x] Reduced Sperm Count / Motility

[x] Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
[x] Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
[x] Confusion
[x] Memory Loss / Forgetfullness
[x] Stumbling over Words / Losing Train of Thought
[x] Slurring of Speech
[xxx] Lack of Motivation / Feeling Passive / Complacency
[xxx] Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
[xxx] Severe Depression / Melancholy
[x] Suicidal Thoughts

[xx] Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, wrinkled)
[x (left)] Penis curvature / rotation on axis
[x] Testicular Pain
[x] Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
[xx] Genital numbness / sensitivity decrease
[ ] Weight Gain-
[] Gynecomastia (male breasts)
[xxxxx] Muscle Wastage
[xxxxx] Muscle Weakness
[x] Joint Pain
[x] Dry / Dark Circles under eyes

[xx] Prostate pain
[xxxxxxxxxx] Persistent Fatigue / Exhaustion
[x] Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
[x] Constipation / “Poo Pellets”
[x] Vision - Acuity Decrease / Blurriness
[ ] Increased hair loss
[xxx] Frequent urination
[xx] Lowered body temperature

[x] Other (please explain)

I shouldn’t be writing this here. I shouldn’t be on this site. I don’t know- I really hope people that care about me don’t find out my username and have to see exactly what I’m going through here. This is truly an embarrassing, despicable story.

But yea- I shouldn’t be here. I had health issues for 3.5 years leading to TRT. Was basically made to believe my problems were all hormone related based on lab testing, doctors, and whomever was helping me- there is just so much more to health than hormones and I didn’t get it. Despicable. Bloodwork just didn’t show anything else off.

A “hormone god” (that’s what I thought of him as) taught me stuff via private message in 2016 helping get down a great Hormone Replacement Therapy with testo cream, t3, and pregnenolone. Felt on top of the world for the most part. Found myself crying with joy while driving to to work quite often.

I freaked out in October about the hair loss after 4 months of TRT cream was thinning me, balding me at a rapid pace. I wasn’t stopping my t-cream, injections didn’t feel right. “DHT is so high, I love my testosterone cream! I NEED to keep my hair.”

The supposed “hormone god” didn’t tell me to take fin, but he didn’t stop me from taking it at all. He essentially believed as long as I kept my cortisol levels in check (as I had been doing), I shouldn’t have a problem with it. Except for possible long term risk. I never cared about anything long term- which will now most likely forever by my kryptonite as I have to live through the consequences.

I then didn’t read on propecia help which I had heard about. I didn’t read any horror stories. I just googled what Dr. Thierry Hertoghe (who I knew was on a similar HRT to me and taught this HRT) thought about fin. Come to find out- he was on it, loved it, thought it was good for him. Full head of hair while on this HRT at that age. I barely did anymore research. I was sold. PATHETIC!!!

Took it the first 17 days in November. Immediately felt lowered libido but I knew that was coming. I mean my libido was sooooo high on TRT, I didn’t mind it. Instead of a hypersexual robot I now felt like a normal person with a good amount of libido. So this was expected.

I felt more energy on fin at first, but then realized anxiety more present. At a party 6 or so beers deep end of night when I usually would feel so relaxed, I found myself so anxious jut wanting to leave the party. Then at another “Friendsgiving” feast a week later, I just wasn’t getting a good social buzz on booze. I LOVED people, chilling with my friends, family, flirting with girls etc. 1 or 2 beers always put me in that mood X10. I wasn’t the biggest people person in the world in terms of strangers, but as far as those very close to me I ALWAYS felt comfortable with them and never had social anxiety around them. This “Friendsgiving”, I just wasn’t the same in this matter.

I stopped fin 10 days later- which several of these days I had recurring symptoms to pre-HRT. Mostly fatigue issues.

Week 1 off- eh not feeling great at all, but just fatigue.
Week 2- same but a little better.
Week 3- I’m feeling say 60% better, HRT working well again. “Thank you so much God. I am so sorry I tried that stuff. I was a terrible person. I’m going to stop drinking now and take care of my health, I love my life so much, that experience was horrible.”- I thought…
Week 4- HRT just wasn’t feeling right. Preg, testo cream etc just didn’t feel the same bringing on anxiety rather than strength and calmness. My systolic blood pressure which I had been following jumped from 120-130 range to the 140-160 range. “Hormone god” tried to help with all his reasoning and surely I believed him.
Week 5- Panic attacks at work, waking up in middle of night with panic attacks, sweating horribly at night. Libido way down. Just an absolute mess for the next month.

6 months later- I had to get off hormones. They just made me so much worse. I had to get on an antidepressant- Cyproheptadine and anti anxiety- ativan… tried a bunch of antidepressants (selegiline, Prozac, abilify, tianeptine). All sucked horribly.

Right now, I’m completely impotent with the symptoms I noted above to the extreme. When I stop Ativan anxiety is so bad and brain hurts so so so bad like a fist is squeezing brain in. Ritanserin really does a decent job, but without Ativan for 4 days its not enough. Without both, I literally feel like I have to die at all times. Its that bad without any form of an AD- like absolute knives being put in and out of brain. 3 weeks ago I was without both in my system for say 2 days- it was so so so so bad.

I’m developing some plans to fix myself. I think I am the absolute worst of the worst and I am not making this up here. I was sick before this. Somewhere in my body, something is sick… It was not “just a hormone problem.” Issues 3.5 years ago, 24, 25 after growing up extremely healthy, athletic, smart, with the energy of a puppy. Something changed.

I have to try to fix that underlying issue in the body- all signs point to detoxification, methylation issues at liver. I really hope its not too late to fix this, whatever in my system is failing me. But yes- this was probably a small system failure leading to an HPA function failure (Hormones), leading to me treating just the hormones, leading to finasteride usage- leading to a problem 100000000% worse.

To put things in %s… I went living at 30% pre HRT to 85% on HRT to -10000% literally. If the SUN was optimum, I felt like I was on Earth- pretty damn close rather than Jupiter off the HRT. Now I’m another galaxy. Scary.

I messed up so bad.

Whether I made the mistake or not of taking it- there truly should never be something approved by the FDA, prescribed by doctors, and created by a “Health” company that could have this drastic of an effect on the human being. Mistake, vanity, riskiness, recklessness, immaturity all displayed on my part or not- the fact that governing agencies in our society allowed this drug to be handed out to young men is just scary. What is wrong with me now is that bad.

I blame myself horribly- literally 99%. But you can’t not blame Merck, the FDA, and doctors for handing this out- just horribly irresponsible and truly unfair for the sufferers and their loved ones. Because- yes it is that bad, I am that crippled by starting then stopping this pill. Sure I had issues before HRT, but now I am CRIPPLED. What the FDA, Merck, doctors missed out on here is just scary. I mean- they’ve caused a now serious disease in so many men just for $$$$ and vanity. This is a disease- not a syndrome. I am sure of that.

I’ve been reading for 5 months now. Learning, understanding HEALTH not just hormones. I’d say its more likely than not that I am stuck here in this state forever until I die. But a piece of me has hope.

I’m going to try. I’ve finally agreed to see the right doctors. I’ve been trying to get out of this myself for 5 months now trying to boss docs around. I think I’m putting myself in the right hands shortly

I will also be having stem cells done on 6/1. Human adipose tissue from my gut- 388 million cells or so. Not a cure by any means, but hope this can control inflammation and help the liver.

I have a plan alongside doc’s help. I think I know to a degree the keys of beating this disease and inflammation is #1. My case doesn’t look promising though based on what I know and how much inflammation it appears I have in my body along with basically zero cortisol production. Which just sucks.

Don’t know if I’m going to be posting here much as I like solvepfs for detailing my journey. I hope to come back here shortly and post some improvement. I’m not even shooting for recovery right now- just improvement day by day. 6 months of regression is just killing me now though.

Tough situation I’m in here. Probably worst case scenario I’d say and its been a hard time accepting it this past week. Brutal even. Only good things about it is people actually feel somewhat sympathy for what you’re going through and we… Which doesn’t even matter at all. I just want to be me again. I don’t care about sympathy.

The only thing is that PFS is 1000000 times worse than the infection I have.

I have a major mycoplasma infection- range (0-99 IGG) 3650, range (0-700 IGM) 3601

Only thing to call this is “a raging mycoplasma infection.” I basically have Lyme (I believe I’ll be told this when I see doc) and have had it for 6 years.

This was before PFS I am sure that I’ve had this for 6 years now. The HRT was used to basically hide this it appears and fix the adrenal fatigue that this was causing.

I started having issues at 23 years old after graduating college. At 25, I had a Lyme test done and the doctor told me it was a negative test. I believed her. Eventually, she ruined my life- Fin, TRT none of that would have happened if she actually read the fucking test and looked into it.

The band 23KDA IGM registered as REACTANT in 2014 test. Again, the doctor just went by what the test said. And I guess this was a very insensitive test. 2 of the 3 IGM bands need to register as REACTANT to qualify as POSITIVE Lyme disease for this specific insensitive test. So immediately, doctors crossed out LYME for absolutely zero reason due to this absolutely horrible test.

Come to find out from a quick GOOGLE search a positive 23KDA IGM almost always means LYME disease. The system really screwed me over here.

I’m seeing a top notch Neurologist/Lyme Specialist in NYC next week but in all honesty I really don’t know how much hope I have here. It will take years to clear up an illness like this… Like yearssss with LYME to this degree. And say I beat the LYME…what happens the PFS magically disappears? I think not. I think I ruined any semblance of happiness in my life taking fin.

I could have been happy and fought LYME for years till I got healthy had I been told this in 2014, 2015, 2016 up until late October, but I was told I didn’t have it. I went HRT and then fin instead. Life ruined.

The USA medical system along with my own ridiculous actions probably ruined this life. Its really sad. I loved being me I really really did. I liked myself a lot with LYME pre-PFS. I was still me, whether I needed HRT to feel well, I wasn’t feeling well, whatever was going on with me- I always loved me and I always thought I was so lucky.

Now that’s not the case. I hate me. I hate being me. Thank you Merck. Thank you FDA. Thank you Marino Center in Cambridge, MA for the horrible advice in 2014. And thank you the old me who I loved for making one bad decision- taking finasteride in 2016. Pathetic.

Im reading it! Very interesting posts!

Well, I think its time I make an update here as I’ve been keeping a pretty strict journal over on and now on .

As by reading my introduction posts, you can see how badly I was decimated by this drug. I was sent to hell for 7 months.

Somehow someway I’ve willed myself back to a pretty normal life with #1 eradicating pathogens, mycoplasma with an extremely detailed plan fighting this 24/7 beginning in July (antibiotics) and then moving to natural holistic healing (August on).

I fasted on juice for 14 days in August and did another 21 day fast (10 days of 16 oz juice, 11 days water) in November. I used a rife machine a ton. I’ve done so much cool stuff to rid myself of these disease causing organisms. I’m freakin good at it- not gonna lie.

Chi and JN were right when they both say that the suffering caused by PFS is caused by pathogens.

I know longer suffer (because I really SUFFERED for awhile there), but still deal with fatigue, brain fog, lack of drive, and definite sexual issues. Must say this is heaven compared to where I was, but I am working so hard in getting to 100%.

I’m now working on the imbalance finasteride created. Because that is now the theory I follow basically being promoted by user @gbolduev at . Finasteride just caused an imbalance in the body that allows pathogens to thrive which occurred in my system with that mycoplasma basically exploding on me.

To combat this imbalance caused by the fin (after eradicating a good portion of the pathogens), I used RU486 for 3 days beginning in early December. I then waited two weeks after seeing a step ahead and did two cycles of progesterone. 20mg for 4 days on, 1 off then I did 12 days of 7mg. My baseline improved from 10-15% sexually I’d say to 40-50% or so.

Now working with mineral balancing, amino acids over on hackstasis. As I believe this is the most natural, best way out of this. I will come back to update when I get 100% or close to it.

Don’t ever lose hope. You can get better from what this drug did to you or at least to a muchhhhhhhhh better place. Again all that finasteride did was create an imbalance in our systems that hurt our ability to use androgens allowing pathogens to thrive. I advise everyone who wants to get better to start learning over on hackstasis . The more people that experiment, the closer we are to finding out what the best possible “homebrew” way out of this is.

I know I’m going to get out of this- its not about if now, its just about when. I can’t wait, but I’m now thoroughly enjoying the ride living my life again.