Tomatoes lowers Testosterone in Rats

I was disappointed to read this as I love Italian food. Not sure if any human studies have been done: … 36/11/2813

Indeed, it appears lycopene (a key constituent of tomatoes) lowers 5 alpha reductase: … l=lycopene

I may add tomatoes to my list of foods to avoid (which already includes dark chocolate).

Wonder if all nightshade vegetables supress 5AR and or T

Shouldn’t this be in “other studies”? Its not a supplement…

Doesn’t matter to me. There are a variety of topics discussed in the Natural Supplements section including pomegranate juice, brocolli and garlic just to mention a few. Tomatoes don’t seem too far off from that list. Just because a substance happens to lower T instead of increasing T doesn’t mean it should be in a different forum.

In fact it might be useful to have a thread to find items that people are trying to avoid, in addition to those things that are helping people. Kazman already mentions dark chocolate. I also am avoiding peanuts (yes they have arginine in them, but they are also estrogenic), beer, and trying to avoid plastics whenever possible (I have found it is not possible to avoid plasics altogether since they are everywhere). I realize these are minor things since my body is so messed up, but I think little things might help.