Tips for Anhedonia

Anyone have any tips for anhedonia? It’s been causing a lot of issues lately and I have been struggling with feelings of complete emptiness, lack of pleasure, forced social interactions and pretending to feel comfortable etc complete lack of sexual desire and lack of the feeling of “love”. For someone who is a songwriter - you can imagine it’s affect on my identity lately.
I know if I went to a dr I would just get the usual SSRI pushed on me I’m very wary of taking any further pharmaceutical medications ,the only anti depressant I would consider taking ever is Amitriptyline (or Sage 217!)
I regularly do sport and exercise which does help usually and 8/10 times working on musical projects or going out and doing a music gig helps but apart from that all other parts of life are really an empty struggle right now. Any tips from fellow sufferers appreciated!


CBT or a similar form of psychotherapy can help. If our brains/bodies have been fucked, we still have power over our minds and thoughts and beliefs. It worked for me, I am still here after 23 years of PFS/PIS.

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Ssris helsp for depression, but also causes apathy syndrome despite de fact you are not longer depressed.
Dont take ssris man


Agreed! One time when I was taking an SSRI my therapist asked me how I felt. I said I felt little, I was feeling kind of numb. He asked, are you feeling depressed? I said no, not feeling depressed–not feeling much of anything. He thought that was a good thing. Disgusting. These drugs should not destroy or damage normal human emotion, feeling, cognition, behavior just so that some health care professional can say “oh but you aren’t depressed now.” Ridiculous.


Thanks for your replies, I’m on a waiting list in UK for CBT, I guess it’s one good point that the power of our minds is in our hands . Apathy is such a shitty thing :frowning:


Yes agreed! Amitriptyline is a TCA though so it’s slightly different mechanism and I don’t believe it carries the same risk as the ssri for PSSD - but I could be wrong .
I’m in chronic pain too so I know Amitriptyline helps with pain and with sleep

TCAs binds to SERT same as ssris but they are a bit more dirty because they activate others receptors.
Everything that binds to SERT causes sexual dysfunction, even dextrometorphan, wich is in the cough syrup.
I dont have experience whit amitriptyline to be honest


Doesn’t sound too promising, I have had dextrommethorohan (sorry on spelling ) many times then as I used to use that cough syrup to get to sleep .
Yeah my plan is not to use any of that pharmaceutical stuff really , after using finasteride I’m done really.
Amitriptyline I did use for pain and it was great , it also gave a natural sedating effect too so it’s good for sleep

You could try Wellbutrin

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its one of my main symptoms

i have a post open tracking nsi-189

that and sage217 are what im hopeful for

but we cant try them yet

For dopamine restoration, check out 9-MBC:



Thanks - I will investigate!

Have you tried this substance? I think many of our issues are dopamine related

The surgery succeeded but the patient died.