I want to make it clear this message is coming from me as an individual patient. I’m not speaking on behalf of the PFS Network or any other organisation. This is from one patient to the rest of you.
If you’re currently not doing anything to move this issue forward you need to wake up and stop being so complacent. The notion that others are going to do everything, while you do nothing, and save the day for you is both unrealistic and immoral.
Impoverished migrants from Mexico pay between 2,000 - 10,000 USD to people smugglers in search for a better life. If destitute people from the third world can afford to pay that kind of money then I’m sure the overwhelming majority of people reading this post in a first or second world country with internet access have the capacity to get involved and contribute at some point. There’s no excuse for doing absolutely nothing year after year. We are adult men. Have some self-respect and dignity, stop being so complacent and apathetic. It’s embarrassing. https://www.unodc.org/toc/en/crimes/migrant-smuggling.html
There are currently 200 people who are donating, and about a dozen or so who have gone public about this condition.
You can’t spend a few hours a month contacting journalists? Donate a given amount each month? This is too much to ask? Have some self respect.
Diseases get cured through resources and attention. You cannot expect a way out of this if you are completely unwilling to personally do anything to change this dynamic. Stop expecting others to save you. Wake up.