Tianeptine for Depression

I’ve taken Tianeptine for 4 weeks and it’s effectiveness at reducing anxiety, depression as well as restoring my personality has been remarkable. My energy levels are up and I’m the happiest I’ve been for years.

Unfortunately it hasn’t done anything for my libido. Anti-depressants are known to make things worse, but Tianpetine has a different mechanism to SSRIs so I wouldn’t be concerned about that.

So yeah - by no means a cure but as a coping strategy it’s been a life saver. Only thing is it makes me more aware of my sexual dysfunction since I’m now in a position where it leads to embarrassing situations with a partner.

Would really recommend this for anyone struggling to work or who has suicidal thoughts. It’s effects are apparent after the first dose, but the true anti-depressant effects take a few weeks of daily usage to feel. Just make sure you do not excede the thereputic dose (3x 12.5mg), otherwise it leads to addiction and withdrawal.

Thanks Danny but not sure we can get that drug in the US. Any place we can order online?