
Has anyone tryed it?

I remeber, in the past i was a big fan of it. Made me very horny…

Thujone is a ketone and a monoterpene that occurs naturally in two diastereomeric forms: (−)-α-thujone and (+)-β-thujone.[1][2] It has a menthol odor. Even though it is best known as a chemical compound in the spirit absinthe, recent tests show absinthe contains only small quantities of thujone, and it may or may not be responsible for absinthe’s reported psychedelic effects. Thujone acts on GABA and 5-HT3 receptors[3] in the brain. In many countries the amount of thujone allowed in food or drink products is regulated.

Maria (accutane sufferer) in an email to me a while ago said that Wormwood tincture gave her a temporary full recovery. Wormwood is said to be nature’s richest source of Thujone…

A post like that is very positive in a sense that it appears if we can correct the mechanism that puts us back in the pfs state over and over again, our bodies are capable of going back to normal.

Here my selftest with absinthe 2cl mixes with 2cl water, before sleep.
Anyway, I´m dreaming a lot since a few weeks even without this.
But this time a had a long very intesiv dream about XXX Sleeped very good and long and bit better this morning.