Three years of lurking and here I am

Welcome to our community. Please fill in the following template as a way of introducing yourself, and helping others to understand your background and situation.

Where are you from (country)? United States

How did you find this forum (Google search – if so, what search terms? Via link from a forum or website – if so, what page? Other?)

By “oh shit” googling at 3am about three years ago. Changed my life forever.

What is your current age, height, weight?

23, 6’2", 165

What specific drug did you use (finasteride, dutasteride, saw palmetto, isotretinoin/Accutane, fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram, leuprorelin, etc…)?

Finastride 1mg per day for three months. I saw results in a month.

What dose did you take (eg. 1 mg/day, 1 mg every other day etc.)?


What condition was being treated with the drug?

Male pattern baldness

For how long did you take the drug (weeks/months/years)?

3 months

How old were you, and WHEN (date) did you start the drug?


How old were you when you quit, and WHEN (date) did you quit?


How did you quit (cold turkey or taper off)?

Cold turkey

How long into your usage did you notice the onset of side effects?

A little over two months, but immediately had acne issues that I didn’t attribute to finastride. This despite not ever having bad acne.

What side effects did you experience that have yet to resolve since discontinuation?

Oh boy :triumph:
ED, anxiety, recall damage, shrunken testicles, weight change, persistent acne that ebs and flows

Check the boxes that apply. You can save your post first, then interactively check/uncheck the boxes by clicking on them. If your symptoms change, please update your list.

[X ] Loss of Libido / Sex Drive
[X ] Erectile Dysfunction
[ ] Complete Impotence
[X ] Loss of Morning Erections
[X ] Loss of Spontaneous Erections
[X] Loss of Nocturnal Erections
[ ] Watery Ejaculate
[X ] Reduced Ejaculate
[ ] Inability or Difficulty to Ejaculate / Orgasm
[ ] Reduced Sperm Count / Motility

[ ] Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
[ ] Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
[ ] Confusion
[X] Memory Loss / Forgetfulness
[ ] Stumbling over Words / Losing Train of Thought
[ ] Slurring of Speech
[X ] Lack of Motivation / Feeling Passive / Complacency
[X ] Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
[ ] Severe Depression / Melancholy
[ ] Suicidal Thoughts

[X ] Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, wrinkled)
[ ] Penis curvature / rotation on axis
[X] Testicular Pain
[X] Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
[ ] Genital numbness / sensitivity decrease
[X] Weight Gain

[ ] Prostate pain
[X] Persistent Fatigue / Exhaustion
[ ] Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
[X] Constipation / “Poo Pellets”
[X ] Frequent urination

What (if any) treatments have you undertaken to recover from your side effects since discontinuation of the drug?

Adderall, Melatonin, Cialis, Viagra, antihistamines, buspar, Wellbutrin, ginseng, zinc

If you have pre or post-drug blood tests, what hormonal changes have you encountered since discontinuing the drug (please post your test results in the “Blood Tests” section and link to them in your post)?

Post test, but two years ago and nothing too remarkable

Tell us your story, in your own words, about your usage and side effects experienced while on/off the drug.

Well I was going to college and arguably became the happiest I ever was. This coming from a devasting high school break up. I transferred universities to a top 10 business school. Was a straight A student even after finding out about PFS. After that summer break I went back to school with nothing. I didn’t feel human and my whole identity was attached to my grades. It melted in front of me. I took of school for two years. I’m now back at a mid tier business school after a year of bombing grades. I’m doing okay now because I’d rather die than not fight. I realized my dreams of achieving are still possible. So that’s great and all with school. I’ve blocked out the sexual shit and most other things. I treat memory with ginseng and zinc as a general feel better. I still use minoxidil (something I know lots look down on). To me fighting hairloss is still worth it. I’ve already sacrificed too much. I’m not willing to do anything stupid. I gave up treating it at all for two years. Now I’m back on minoxidil. But hair stuff aside. I’ve lost so much. I would have a wall street job right now and instead I’m at a random school hoping to graduate in two years. I’m coping with legal drugs and it’s not the best. I’m an anxious mess. I can barely talk to people. I used to be an extrovert. Now I can’t do shit. School and Wellbutrin are helping to heal that 70%. I’m scared shitless of SSRIs and snris. I will not take those. I’ve lost so much of myself and money. I’m at a point where I don’t spend too much time on that. I’m trying to ignore the things that don’t demand attention. I’m conquering anxiety. I just can’t conquer my sleep problems. Wellbutrin is not the caused. It has helped, but my brain straight craved the night. It’s a natural high at night. Like I’m free from burdens and obligations. Nothing works. It’s destroying me to not be able to sleep regularly. According to my watch I get 1 hour of rem sleep a night. I need 8-9 hours to feel rested. I typically get up at noon. Before PFS I was a night person who could function on 4 hours of sleep and go to bed early when needed. Now I can’t keep a schedule. I just feel like I’m a Titanic survivor holding onto a punctured inflatable.


Lamento mucho escuchar esto , deseo que te recuperes , tuviste perdida de sensibilidad en el pene y pérdida de placer del orgasmo? Estos dos síntomas se recuperaron o mejoraron con el tiempo?

Gracias. Siento como si hubiera perdido una pequeña cantidad de sensibilidad, pero no muy notable. Mi placer de los orgasmos nunca cambió realmente de PFS. Creo que más recientemente, posiblemente de Wellbutrin, después del orgasmo puedo continuar y casi tener un segundo orgasmo. Es súper raro porque nunca he sido capaz de hacer eso. Todavía soy algo sexualmente activo, pero es extremadamente limitado.

Hi @tryingeveryday and welcome to the forum!

Really sorry to hear about how this is interfering with school and a new career. I was in the beginning of my career too when I got this… I know it’s not easy.

I have a question - when exactly did you quit finasteride?

Hi @M_C, thank you for the condolences. It was approximately the beginning of 2019.

My first symptoms were acne, then weight gain, and ed. I put on like 30 pounds, but I was skinny so I didn’t recognize it for awhile. Thankfully that’s gone away.

At the time I was scared to death about brain issues. I didn’t have any. And eventually my recall got worse. It damaged my confidence and ego, but I’m learning that it’s not effected my intelligence.

Ginseng has been the best tool. It helps with memory and keeps blood in my dick.

I know I’m capable of having a good career still, but my sleep schedule has to be put in check. I used to read this forum and just become sad about all the studies detailing our damaged heal. Then I realized I need to stop reading them. The only things I decided to worry about are the things that actually impact me on a daily basis.

I think I’m probably a not moderate case. I’ve never had crashes or depression. I don’t feel like pfs imbalance has messed with my mental health minus my recall. I feel that the trauma is what’s messed with my health. I’m looking into alternative therapy for the trauma. This whole thing woke me up to some legal drugs being way more dangerous than illegal drugs.