Thoughts on OSTA Rx (SARM)

SARMs have only been discussed briefly, but I stumbled across this product tongiht, it jumped out because it said it stimulates the androgen receptors but was actually more interested when I read the ingredients:

It seems like it could be worth a look? Its not synthetic so I can’t see any risks?

SARMS are synthetic pharmaceutical compounds:

The ingredients you listed are natural supplements, mostly L-DOPA supplements (Mucuna Pruriens).

Horny Goat Weed (icariin) is a natural PDE5 inhibitor herb similar to Viagra: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=875

In short I wouldn’t expect any of these natural supplement ingredients to behave as a SARM. Sounds like the product manufacturer is simply exploiting SARM marketing speak to sell the product.

I plan on testing out S4 and Ostarine in a few months. My source is currently waiting for the S4 purity results to come back…

What Mew said is correct. “OSTA Rx (SARM)” is just marketing ploy, its not a real SARM.