Those with muscle loss

Anyone noticed a widening of the gap between abs
Ie I could only get a finger between them (a line down the centre between right and left abs) there is now a crevice the size of a saucer (small plate) Ljke a shortening of the muscle length the same has happened with biceps and calves.

I think, hope it’s as a result of cellular starvation. Leaky gutt, malabsorbtion low levels of key bacteria, bile function etc. and will recover when these longstanding problems resolve.

I’m curious, what overgrowths and lack of bacteria do you have?

You probably have low f.prausnitzii,roseburia which are protective bacteria but…

do you have overgrowth of prevotella or eggerthella (check the raw/csv/bacterial composition data if you have it)? Those can have a muscolosketal effect.

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I can send u the report if you pm your email.

Zero eggerthello and normal levels of prevotella shown