This video on YouTube is recommendation to take finastride and he has dismissed me!

I commented on this about PFS on Youtube,but he dismissed me and made rid of my comments.He said finastride had little side effects,so don’t take care.My resistance vanished.If you have time,please comment on this video and transmit the danger of finastride.It’s Ok in English.When you are dismissed,push BAD silently…

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He accelerates the number of PFS patients in Japan…

I think that Finasteride is less dangerous of many other drugs. The problem are in us. Our bodies didn’t come back again to his omeostasis.
I personally know people that using SSRI + Minoxidil + Zinc + Milk thistle and are fine.

Whilst it’s probably true that the problem is our predisposition to these substances, as long as what that predisposition is remains unknown, finasteride and the other drugs must be regarded as potentially extremely dangerous to as yet unexposed users. There is also the curious fact that some use the drug apparently side effect free for years before suddenly developing the condition.




The more people use finastride,the more patients are produced according to.

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Sure, it’s less dangerous than chemo or immunosuppressive drugs, but it’s still a risky substance. And considering the fact that (Propecia) is used not for an illness but for a completely benign cosmetic phenomenon, it’s absolute insane to use it, especially since it doesn’t even regrow your hair, or stop your hair loss half the time - it just slows down the inevitable. It’s like using a bombing your house because you saw a spider, and not even expecting it to kill the spider!

If you have Crohn’s disease then maybe it’s worth it to take a TNF-a blocker so you have some quality of life. If you’ve got leukemia then a chemo cocktail is probably not a terrible idea, because otherwise you’ll almost definitely die. And MAYBE it’s not an awful idea to take finasteride if you have prostate hyperplasia. If it stops you from developing cancer then it may be worth the side effects…but to take it so that it takes you a few more years to lose your hair than it otherwise would? Anyone asking their doctor for this drug for that reason needs a therapist, not Propecia. And that’s exactly what I should have gotten back in 2016.

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He continues to recommend fin.I am getting anger,but I only can push bad button. I am weak.