This might work

OK so this is what I was thinking introducing and testosterone booster to the body very slowly so it will not have a negative effect.

When you take testosterone booster the town or affect of it is estrogen so if you increase your testosterone too fast in your body and you don’t use it it will turn into estrogen in. By introducing product to the body slowly yes your body will have some estrogen but not as much this is what I’m doing and I see better results than taking 2 to 3 pills a day

My body doesn’t produce that much estrogen in so try to introduce product to your body and very slowly I’m thinking if it’s 100 mg cut the pill in half and take it one time a day

It will be kind of like a regiment testosterone needs to build overtime in your body that doesn’t happen overnight remember it took 30 to 60 days before you crash because the testosterone leaves your body a little bit every day so you have to introduce it to your body a little bit every day and continuously take it your body doesn’t need that much testosterone to be healthy worth a shot let me know