This is strange! I felt I was almost recovered

There were many instances in the past few months where I felt like I was almost recovered from PFS. I had better erections, good sleep quality, and strong morning erections. My confidence was also high, and I had multiple encounters with my partner. However, this didn’t last long (only a few days), and then I was back to a low libido state. This happened many times and feels like an on/off cycle.

This all started after my worst crash since having PFS when I developed tinnitus and severe brain fog. Something has changed since then. Although I still have tinnitus, its severity has reduced significantly, and the brain fog has cleared up. There has been noticeable improvement in my libido, but it is not constant. I have been trying a few things but am not sure which has led to this improvement.


Good news. From what I’ve been reading in my 4 years of PFS, it seems like the sufferers who experience some form of fluctuation or cycle of symptom severity are the ones who eventually recover. Hopefully this is the case in your situation too.
Stay positive :muscle:


Thanks mate! I hope the same happens and someday we all get cured from this shit :pray:

I can also tell you that if you experience the fluctuations like that you’re gonna recover though with me it would even happen now and then earlier on past the worst of it so you could still have a long road ahead of you. Whenever I get a ramp up of tinnitus and severe brain fog my sexual functioning will lessen but not completely disappear but I also have CFS too and have before this in which that will also happen during a crash since no body systems will be working properly. I am recovered enough to the point where no ordinary things are able to crash me anymore which I’m really happy about and you’ll eventually get here too perhaps even be better than me.

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Thanks for the positive words. One thing I’ve observed is that when I’m in a recovered state, sex feels so easy and pleasurable. I want to have more of it, and even my sperm is thicker. When I’m not in that state, having sex feels like a battle.

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Oh yeah it’s also a trap to fall into that always “checking if it works” state when you’re just not feeling it at the time, I’ve been there in the beginning and through much of this. Does when your brain see someone you’re attracted to get that little jolt of excitement at some kind of baseline? If so then it’s working maybe not amazingly at the moment but it’s working. In that state it tends to just talk a little bit longer and it’s somewhat weaker. I haven’t found any pattern to the better times besides that my immune system is functioning better which I think is what the tinnitus and depressed/anxiety ridden brain fog is. I have a theory with this that what also happens besides being something funky with the adrogen receptors going on is that the immune system also freaks out and gets caught in a very specific chain reaction with neurological effects that can kill sexual functioning. I’ve had too many sudden incidents throughout the course of this where I had a bad immune reaction to something and suddenly my thing would barely even be able to respond on anymore, if not for anyone else it’s definite a factor in my case. Though before I got this it was never like that so I also suspect what is also behind it is my body is no longer producing enough neurosteroids.

I’m still trying to get to the bottom of this. Currently recovering a thiamine supplementation trial that went horribly wrong. I couldn’t handle supplementing D3 anymore because I felt like I was on the edge of migraine all the time with it no matter what I did and the fatigue on it was getting ridiculous. Just recently though I found out vitamin A is related to it besides the usual suspects like K2 (which I already take it’s what first began to pull me out of this, couldn’t live without it now), magnesium, and potassium. But supplementing it can get pretty dangerous with very high amounts and luckily I found a dropper based one where I can specifically get only 80 percent of the daily dose, will be finding out soon what that does for me. I am so close to recovered but can’t seem to break this final glass ceiling and I don’t know what the problem is besides that for ONE DAY after my first 5000 iu dose of vegan lichen derived D3 I was completely recovered in more ways than even this condition. After that it never happened again even at double the dose of the same supplement. Which is why like I said my body seems to not be producing enough neurosteroids on its own anymore, I know for me the answer is somewhere in this bubble but I haven’t pinpointed specifically what is going wrong. I can shoot dopamine through the roof and it just doesn’t do much, this doesn’t appear to be a neurotransmitter deficiency of any kind. What I’m still lacking is that ability to truly feel stimulated that I had back on that 5000 iu D3 dose for a single day.