This is ridiculous

What the hell is this? I don’t even feel “alive” anymore. In fact, sometimes, I’ll be just sitting there, thinking or whatever, and I’ll feel like “I” don’t even exist. Like, I’ll be able to see “myself” as a different entity, and that whatever it is that’s watching it is just… some blank observer. It’s horrible.

And what the hell am I even supposed to do? I have a psychologist who I can message whenever I want, but most of the time I don’t even feel like doing that because it just feels like “what’s the point?” I’ve already said everything I wanted to say to her and venting to her about how angry or frustrated I am feels like it won’t change anything.

I just want to get back to who I was… I want to get back to being able to enjoy things, to have motivation, to actually do more with my time than just lie down and waste it online or playing video games…

My whole life is evaporating before my eyes. I want some hope but I don’t even know what that looks like. I sometimes wonder if this is a test from God but if it is when does it end? Will I ever get better? Am I doomed to just live like this? I recently heard progesterone might help but I don’t know if that could make it worse and I’m looking into more info about that.

But other than that, I just… exist. But not even in an enjoyable way. I just sleep, eat, distract myself and that’s basically it. I don’t care about anything. I don’t have the energy to care about anything. It’s like everything I ever wanted to do is now just a memory and all I have left is… nothing.

God. I don’t know. This is awful but what else can I say? I’m sure you guys here understand.

Take care.


Very true. It’s a struggle, but we carry on - there’s no reasonable alternative.

I can relate with everything you have said. One way you can atleast help the cause is by completing the survey. The more survey results we have the more powerful the results for scientists and researcher who are willing the help. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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Sorry @maxim117 If I give too much frustrated comments to your posts. Another guy told me that.
We all feel worse, but on some days all changes like before and hope for a better future comes Up.

Energy for live will come back soon…

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