This is my story

Sono un uomo di 35 anni ho preso finasteride per 5 anni I primi 8 mesi dividevo proscar in 6 poi in 8 e poi facevo un giorno si e un no.
Dopo 1anno e 6 mesi mi sono operato di ginecomastia bilaterale e dopo una pausa parlando con il medico che mi ha operato mi aveva detto che potevo prendere il farmaco tranquillamente. Ho continuato per altri 6 mesi e quando mia moglie mi ha detto di voler un bambino mi sono fermato.
Abbiamo avuto un figlio.
Dopo che è restata incinta ho continuato ad assumere il farmaco per fino a giugno scorso un paio di volte a settimana. Cessato il farmaco perche a volte mi sentivo annebbiato e avevo il timore che questa nebbia dipendesse dalla finasteride mi sono schiantato gravemente.
I am a 35 year old man I have been taking finasteride for 5 years The first 8 months I divided proscar into 6 then 8 and then I did a day yes and a no.
After 1 year and 6 months I underwent bilateral gynecomastia and after a pause talking to the doctor who operated on me he said that I could take the drug safely. I continued for another 6 months and when my wife said she wanted a baby I stopped.
We had a son.
After she got pregnant I continued taking the drug until last June a few times a week. Stopped the drug because sometimes I felt clouded and I was afraid that this fog depended on finasteride I crashed seriously.
È passato 1 anno ormai dallo schianto dal farmaco. Non sapevo nulla della PFS. I primi mesi sono stati durissimi volevo morire. Avevo la pelle che mi bruciava ovunque. Gli occhi doloranti i bruciori alla testa nessuna forza nessuna motivazione muscoli doloranti non riuscivo a fare nulla.
Stavo perdendo la mia vita il mio lavoro e mia moglie e mio figlio.
Oggi dopo 1 anno va meglio non sono quello di prima non riesco ad allenarmi. Riesco a camminare anche 40min. Faccio la dieta keto. Per fare sesso mi aiuto con il cialis 2.5 un giorno si e un giorno no.
Inizialmente non riuscivo a dormire oggi dormo anche 9ore.
I dolori ai nervi li ho sopratutto al sedere.
Volevo veramente morire. Oggi non più. Guardo mio figlio e dico che deve avere un padre guardo mia moglie e dico che deve avere un marito e quello devo essere io. Lavoro nel dolore ma non smetto di farlo. Purtroppo non conoscevo la PFS. Pensavo che era una cosa che non mi poteva toccare ero forte ero sano ero al top.
Oggi non sono forte non sono sano ma sono aggrappato alla vita alla mia famiglia e a mio figlio. Ero fertile oggi non lo so… Non so se sarò ingrado di avere un altro bambino e vi giuro che nonostante non mi sento bene lo vorrei tanto. Non rinuncio al sesso fortunatamente il cialis fino ad adesso funziona non mi preoccupo se non sento più le stesse sensazioni… L’importante sarà avere un altro figlio.
Questa è la mia storia ho completato il sondaggio vi prego di non giudicarmi male se mi sono operato e poi ho continuato ad assumere quel veleno ma non sapevo dell’inferno perché non mi era stato detto. Ora che ci sono lo capisco ed è un brutto posto.
Una cosa che vi dico è che inizialmente ero gravita 10 oggi sono gravita 6.
In tante cose sono migliorato non sono più tanto depresso. Riesco a fare una vita abbastanza regolare
1 year has passed since the drug crash. I didn’t know anything about PFS. The first few months were tough I wanted to die. My skin was burning all over me. Sore eyes burning in the head no strength no motivation sore muscles I couldn’t do anything.
I was losing my life my job and my wife and son.
Today after 1 year it’s better I’m not the one before I can’t train. I can walk even 40min. I do the keto diet. To have sex I help myself with cialis 2.5 one day and one day no.
Initially I could not sleep today I also sleep 9 hours.
I have pains in my nerves especially in my butt.
I really wanted to die. Today no more. I look at my son and say he must have a father I look at my wife and say he must have a husband and that must be me. I work in pain but I don’t stop doing it. Unfortunately I didn’t know about PFS. I thought it was something that could not touch me I was strong I was healthy I was at the top.
Today I am not strong, I am not healthy but I am clinging to life to my family and my son. I was fertile today I don’t know … I don’t know if I will be able to have another child and I swear to you that although I don’t feel well I would love it. Fortunately, I do not give up on cialis. Until now it works. I don’t worry if I don’t feel the same feelings anymore … The important thing will be to have another child.
This is my story I completed the survey please don’t misjudge me if I operated on and then I kept taking that poison but I didn’t know about hell because I wasn’t told. Now that I’m there I understand it and it’s a bad place.
One thing I tell you is that I was initially gravitating 10 today I am gravitating 6.
In many things I have improved I am no longer so depressed. I can make a fairly regular life I can’t train I can only do 30 push-ups and a bit of abs. I am no longer a bull in bed … I am very sorry for this. Before I was a perfect car.
But I have a family that I love a son I love … And like any good father, better than a bad thing happened to me than to him. Currently I have ringing in the ears rarely joint pains every now and then the eyes burn muscles that contract by themselves and vibrations inside the muscles. Sexually flaccid and reddened scrotum … I didn’t want to do a semen example. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to have more children … but it’s just a fear maybe God will give me another joy.
At the moment the erections go initially I started at 100 but they dropped to 70% with low cialis 2.5 dosage on alternate days ranging from 100 to 90%.
I did not have a classic accident … Because initially I had nothing sexual … My head was burning and my eyes saw a great pain in my jaw and pressure in my ears … In fact I thought I had a tumor … Only after I understood that it was the finastire … The first analyzes showed that I was hypogonandism now only the slightly high cortisol and the high igf are average. I know that I have already recovered enough from the bad place I was in and believe me I was in a very bad place … Today I can manage it better. I don’t take anything except cialis and magnesium. Probably you if I had not operated I would never have come the PFS but only god knows this.
For the first months up to the 6th month I cried every day … From pain and despair … It’s a tough condition it takes a firm head … I was helped by my baby … I looked at him and I said I can’t abandon you you don’t deserve it because I wanted you so much and we still have to do many things together. I went to the psychologist. I don’t know if it helped me a lot … I think I helped myself a lot more alone.
Today I have reached a fairly stable position.
That is, I consider myself already lucky to have not lost anything yet so I am already extremely grateful to God.
I can camouflage my condition well at work … I work in the police. My wife really loves me … After a child, sex is no longer like 20-year-olds … it changes … today with cialis I work it will continue like this … And if it should never continue … dosage … When every attempt will be in vain … Then I will work … If in the meantime some drug or something that can help us has not come out.I also did a negative moc and a penile echo-color Doppler that showed nothing of concern.
I guess my pudendal nerves are inflamed. Because when I sit down my butt and anus hurts. However, I am still quite positive. It’s a different life … I was lucky to have a lot of fun with women before the wedding … Now I just wanted a quiet life with the woman I love … But obviously it’s not possible. I consider myself a good father anyway. I have always struggled in life to get to work and life in general. Today I fight stronger because I have life responsibilities towards a wife and son.
A doctor wanted to put me on clomid and obviously I said no.
The only treatment that I can risk and if I cannot have children and perhaps not even because I cannot risk getting worse for fairness towards those who I have already brought into the world.


Sorry to read your story brother.
How long are you off fin? Do you still have these symptoms? What about your tinnitus?

Good morning travel friends it is now a year that I am sick from spf.
I would like to ask since some things I have progressed like sleep or sex where I can regularly have sex with cialis 2.5 mg every other day if there is anything to cure or relieve pudendal nerve pain.

Anyone help me?

hey man,

just ask your questions, people will respond if they relate to it?

Anyone help me for the nerval pudendal?