This injury has caused me to have psychosis

Just when things are looking up it all goes to hell i just can’t win i get frustrated and hit myself in the face repeatedly im trying to restrain myself from cutting again nobody understands the hell im in i don’t know how much more i can deal with until i kill myself… I shared this because I thought maybe someone here has gotten progress if so please share

Don’t do this. Your body is struggling already. Don’t make it work harder.

We all understand.

Lots of people have had progress. Most people in fact.

Has anyone used dhea i want to try but don’t know if to get regular or micronized

I never have. But look, its highly unprobable that one thing will fix you, Unfortinately this joke condition is systemical. And what we see here are a bunch of people that try things in isolation without any relieve (or some, that ends in weeks). DHEA could possibly be good for you and a piece of the puzzle. But just try to not get your hopes too high with individual supps, and even less try a shotgun approach without knowing what you are really doing (it will probably only lead you to frustration and maybe further unbalance your body even more/crash you).

What you have to do is study the subject and get the most knowledge possible to what may be the factor here. Somo people say its genetical, some say its androgenical, some say it is gut related or adrenal/thyroid related.

Read about those subjects till you find a possible route and work on that (and yes, unfortunatelly it has to be a blind shot). It sucks but thats all we can do. IMO there is absolutely no silver bullet.

And after all that, try to find a very commited doctor who is engaged with curiosity and won’t deny your symtoms. I would suggest an endocrine or gastro ones. Functional/integrative medicians usually follow these requirements and wont be arrogant as 90% of the other ordinal doctors (mofos) are.

Good luck and take care. Keep ur heads up and have hope. Be good and try to be more healthy each day.

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