I feel bad writing this here given the suffering you all have been facing, and in most cases longer than me, but the suicidal thoughts I’ve been harbouring since I crashed 8 months ago are pushing me closer to ending it all.
I had an enormous amount of ambition and hunger for life prior to developing this condition. I was in a fantastic loving relationship with a girlfriend I cared deeply for. I cannot find any peace with the anhedonia, loss of feelings of romance, libido and a loss of connection with the world, The senselessness of having been so crippled and harmed for no reason whatsoever gives me no rest and makes me incredibly nihilistic. All the things which used to bring joy are now empty and hollow. Even beautiful scenery, which I used to enjoy so much, now brings me nothing.
My body doesn’t feel like my own anymore. I can’t grow a beard, I am flabby and fat having once had a lean muscular build, I have lost my charisma and ability to interact with others.
I am so despondent at this point. I lived carefully, didn’t do drugs, didn’t smoke, drank moderately and infrequently. The worst part is the fact that if I had just googled the drug I never would have taken the risk. I would have been scared away by the reviews. Every morning when I wake up I have this thought until I close my eyes at night. I wake up frequently during the night with horrific intrusive nightmares.
Whenever I see happy couples or successful people I am reminded of this horror. The psychological suffering is constant. Being with my lovely girlfriend I am tormented by my inability to love her as she deserves.
I feel like a broken shell of my former self and can’t come to terms with the insanity of it all. Having lost so much simply because I didn’t google or because I happened to have an irresponsible reckless doctor who gaslit me when I asked about potential side effects. I cannot bear this much longer and am thinking about killing myself almost always.