The yo yo effect of PFS

I just reached my 3 month mark of quitting the drug.
3 months was a milestone for me and I’m pleased to get here!
Never experienced the 10 day return of normality then a ‘crash’ …my symptoms started gradually whilst being on the drug past the 3 year mark with no sides up until after . Once I tapered the drug off some sleep disturbances increased dramatically plus I got the tinnitus. The gynecomastia, anhedonia and the sexual dysfunction were already here by then so I didn’t notice anything new with that.
At 3 months I feel a lot better than I did at the 1 month stage. Things definitely, steadily improve. In an onwards and upwards style , even if it improves 2% each week I can feel it all getting better slowly.
Cutting out stress wherever possible helps as does the usual , diet , exercise etc
However the thing seems to be most annoying is the ‘yo yo-ing’ of it all. Some days (like yesterday) for instance I feel almost totally normal again , libido, sexually, ‘drive’ returned and I feel how a guy should feel . the last week I even noticed my tinnitus decrease, I went in a quiet room several nights in a row and noticed it . I can’t help but tie in the tinnitus to this syndrome - if the tinnitus is improving then I must be improving.
I felt like my old self had been ‘awakened’ yesterday.
Woke up today though and it’s back to square 1 , dysfunction, no feelings of any pleasure or mental stimulation, anxiety, left breast hurting again, tinnitus intensity back to increased level…it really sucks going up and down! Does anyone else get this?
The only positive I can think is that when you have a good day , it shows you that the potential to be fully restored is there ! :pray:

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I have had this, there have been times where I’ve thought “am I over this?” And then go back down again. I try and be philosophical as I think that each time I get worse, it’s generally not as bad as it was and the periods of general normality seem to get longer.

One thing that I’ve found is that I’ve generally felt a little better since I started going to a gym.


Wow even if it was only temporary that is incredibly positive and definitely a sign of good things to come.

Keep fighting the good fight :+1:

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Thank you! It feels like the light behind the door cracks right now…we all have to keep pushing forward with this. Wishing you well and recovery :pray:

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It’s truly bizarre …it’s almost as if the body thinks now PFS is the normal state of affairs so as soon as you’re feeling good it goes ‘hang on a minute let’s correct this’
Yes. , gym is on my list for 2020 for sure, I’m in the process of moving countries right now so come January 1st will be a new year and a new fight

I’ve had the “am I over this?” thought probably 20x this year. I have days where I feel happy and horny at times but always sink back into the abyss. To keep the yoyo higher on the string IMO requires:

-Meditation (a few times I’ve gone from very depressed to quite happy after a 20-30 min session).

Especially to stick with them when times are tough.

Also, I think at least with my case that I need the courage to start dating again. I never had a suicidal thought when I had my last girlfriend despite libido / sexual issues. Once I found out what happened to me, I decided to hide in a clam shell and feel the world is closing in.

I also think having pets and doing community service may help us. Taking care of others and looking at a cute :dog2: can make you forget your problems. Many others are suffering too, but in different ways.

10 Years Tinnitus and Headache big Pressure in my Head!
BrainFog and so on…
Finasterid have Destroyed my Hypophyse and Adrenals…

nothing get better its all Days Horror…