Hello to all,
I hope you are feeling better.
A little update on the month of July:
Positive points:
- I am stabilizing. I haven’t had any big crashes for a while, or even small ones. My condition is fluctuating less.
- My penis is going back to the way it was before most of the time. I would say that it is 80% of the time like it was before I took the Finasteride.
- I had a sexual intercourse which went well even if I felt like ejaculating much earlier than before: after 10 minutes.
- I feel a little sexual desire when I look at a woman. Quite rarely the pleasure is decent, most of the time it is weak and sometimes non-existent.
- I often have morning erections and very often night erections. The nocturnal erections are hard, the morning erections sometimes hard, sometimes relatively soft.
-I think my erectile dysfunction has improved as I can get an erection when I have an erotic thought.
Negative points:
- My condition is stable, but low. I consider myself to be between 20-40% of my sexual ability and 40-65% of my emotional ability.
- I received my hormonal results: it’s a disaster. My free testosterone, which was very high at the end of February, is at its lowest, the bioavailable testo has also dropped, but to a lesser extent. My progesterone has tripled and is twice the norm. All in all, my hormonal results are very bad.
I am almost 8 months since my first crash.
While I was optimistic and keeping my spirits high, learning that my hormones, which were fine on paper a few months ago, are totally out of whack, has affected me.
I hope you are all doing better.
All the best.