The Rollercoaster

I got really excited this week because I had morning wood 3 days in a row and great erections (took a little while to get but once i did they were great). Jerked off 3 times that day. Then the last 2 days have sucked! No morning wood and floppy erections.

I’ve been on sustain alpha for a few weeks which might be the cause of the short stint of morning wood, but I was just wondering how many of you go through these good spells and if they become more frequent. Are there guys on here that cant get an erection at all or never get morning wood?

i go through phases, usually good phases occur when i’ve had a stress free time and dont worry about my problems. For a while i was getting morning woodys almost everyday…

the past 3 weeks have been insane though, i thought i was gonna have a kid from a one night stand (she told me she had a positive test, then told me she misread the test - long horrible story)

At the minute though i’ve been doing more research on fin effects on the body and i’m starting to worry more. which elevates my symptoms.

For a while (after doing 1 week or brocolli treatment) i was getting really really solid erections.

that was the case until i had the pregnancy scare.

to some extent i think my problems are psychological. Although even when i’m not stressed i’m not 100%

finasteride i hate you!