There is so much wrong with the ideas on this thread I am not even gonna try to comment. Except that Bostonusa is the most of track out of all the posts I bothered to read.
One things you see a lot of on this site, is people coming up with a theory that explains their side effects. Then another person comes along and discredits that theory because it doesn’t fit with their side effects. Instead what should be looked at is a theory that could exlain all the potential side effects. In essence, a theory that if proven correct could explain every single aspect of pfs… even if all of us do not experience every single side effect.
I gave up theorizing along time ago. I have a few solid hunches based upon what we know, but I have no idea why it happened or what caused it to happen. The only way we’ll ever solve that is with indepth, comprehensive scientific analysis (as it occuring in Italy, at the moment). Breaking the condition down, piece by piece and examining each piece throughly.
PS: Anyone know how to change username? Mine seems kinda redundant now that I think about… my pecker isn’t nearly as broken as it was this time last year… lol.
I have been using pde5i’s for the last year and half. Started by cycling them, now i just use 5mg cialis every 3 days.
Have not had ED while attempting to have sex for over a year now(i have a gf and we have sex about 1 a day).
Libido remains low and brain fog is a major problem.
They should be a last resort though. I’ve been having one a week because i’m only 21 I play to recover naturally… You can try things like L - Arginine or Ginko Bilboa to improve circulation.
Since a few people PM’d me about it… What fixes the shrinkage for me and makes everything more loose and comfortable in genetial area. Is a 2 mg dose of prozasin (minipress) once a day. Also seems to help a little with sleep and anxiety. The only negative side effect is some slight fatigue but at the 2mg dose I really don’t get it bad at all. The drug relaxes the bloodflow and muscles in the prostate region… This is the same thing moonman was talking about in his threads and it definitely worked well for me… Wish I had tried it months ago when he first mentioned it… It’s going to be something I am going to continue using until a permanent fix is found or I “naturally” recover… (lol). So it would appear any shrinkage of the penis we have from this is merely a result constricted muscles/vascular tissue.
However this did not reverse testicle shrinkage or get rid of the one dark vein that appeared on the bottom of my penis since using finastride.
I don’t get paid enough to answer the silly questions… No it (finasteride) doesn’t cause high blood pressure AFAIK. But many drugs have other uses besides the ones they were originally intended for… Read the Wikipedia page on it and your find out they use prozosin to treat BPH to increase urine flow. And before you even ask… No its not a 5AR2 inhibitor like finastride… Totally different drugs.
this is EXACTLY where i’m at. that and the fatigue. i think cialis 5mg every three days is perfect. returned size and functionality though orgasms are still dulled.
now if there was just something to help with the brain fog and fatigue… i’d happily live with everything else.
nerve/blood flow problems from whatever inflammation/compression is causing pudendal neuralgia…that’s my guess. Less blood flow means less leydig cells.
could be hormonal…you have blood results? this is something you cannot possibly ask on a forum, you need to go to see an endo and get tested. first you need to have a hormone profile taken and then you need to have them tested for function. if all else fails see my first point!