The muscle gut connection. This is key and resonates


Interlukin 17 inhibitors could help those of us with muscle loss. @IrishLegend

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But is it really the case? That’s great. That’s good news for us

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It’s been confirmed the gut is damaged in us. I appreciate its part of the problem.

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I’ve reading a lot about gut and i think that its an important factor. Why do people wast their money buying supplements? If your gut IS not okay you’re probably not absorbing them. Also a lot of ppl here have vitamin D deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency…there is strains of bacteria that can generate B12. Also strain of bacteria that produce gaba, serotonin…and also strain of bacteria that are anti inflamatory because are anti histaminic.

You maybe will not cure pfs assisting your gut but you can improve a lot. I think that people that fast improve because they let their gut take a break. We also see people eating keto or carnivore improving, thats because they’re not fueling bad bacteria with processed food, sugars, etc (well, this is what i think)

But…can you improve your gut buying random probiotics like some people do here? I dont think so. There is people un the internet getting brainfog just by taking probiotics. Why? If you have SIBO (overgrowth of bacteria) you’re adding maybe good bacteria that generate more residuals…or if you have a desregulation and you have bacteria that generate a lot of histamine you’re worsening your situation because there is “good” bacteria that also generate histamine and you will inflamate even more your gut and your body.

As a recommendation, if you’re thinking on improving your gut, I think that you have to study your gut before starting to do things. This can be as harmful as taking random vitamines.


I had a course of fmts last year. After the 1st transplant i recovered from everything on a huge list of symptoms within hours. Unfortunately it only lasted until peristalsis kicked in. (Leaky gut) but is re affirmed to me that the gut / biome is key in this I have tried diets and fasting which offers occasional relief.only. Im in the process of having a biome test to see what it throws up, hopefully it will enable a more targeted approach. Every recovery from long term pfs has involved fasting and dieting. NOT supps as u rightly point out.

In the interim, until a treatment is found. This is a path worth pursuing. An interlukin 17 drug could also help suppress chronic widespread inflammation and protect from atrophy .

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This provides the reason why we often only get temporary relief

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Too much information to process for me right now.

But if i understood the parts that i read (i have problems with info retention), it says that probiotics are not natural population of our gut, they’re transient and they wont ressist…and thats true. But if im not wrong (i’ve been reading a lot for two weeks) we can kill bad overgrowth of bacteria with a good diet and we can also assist our natural biome eating good or with prebiotics.

But again…supplementing prebiotics can be harmful if we have overgrowth of bacteria. At least that is what im understanding after reading these weeks.

Mantaining your gut IS not a temporal fight, its a permanent fight, at least is how i see it.

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I have the same issues around reading, understanding, absorption and retention. Often picking things up wrongly which is very frustrating. I’ve picked up the same things from the attached papers as you. So we’re either both right or both wrong. :joy:

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