Cdnuts, I wasnt aware that you were recovering…??
Is there a thread link you can give to the forum that explains the nuts and bolts of what you are doing and the outcome?
I have my suspicions that the liver plays a role in our problems. Not permanent or irriversible liver damage as in chirosis, but that our bodys have been overwhelmed by toxins from too much estrogen and possibly the drug itself. There could also be gut issues (as in dysbosis-need antibiotics) that put further pressure on the liver.
This is why I think that some men note improvement with a raw food diet. You are essentially detoxifying your liver and as a result, your body. I wouldnt be surprised if we kept estrogen in check via arimdex that we couldnt get rid of all the estrogen and then allow our body to reach homeostasis by allowing the liver to function properly which would improve adrenal and thyroid function also. Of note, a sloppy liver wont show up on a blood test. There are Liver Detxification Profiles you can get done in Australia.
JN, this may be another avenue you may want to consider - LDP. The test is cheap and shows your phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification and the interealionship between the two (one effects the other) - not the state of the liver but how it FUNCTIONS. Once you know how it functions you treat any abnormality…for instance a lot of people’s phase 1 is faster than phase 2 etc…so you can then slow down phase 1 and increase phase 2.
Cdnuts this is a very important question…How is libido?..the truth.