The Ketogenic Diet and the Brain

Hi guys, has anyone been following a ketogenic diet? I think you should look into it.

Together with intermittent fasting, I have noticed a different in my mental sides by following a ketogenic diet.

There are a lot of studies out there that state the diet is beneficial for those with epilepsy because it helps to restore gaba function. It also states that it may help with brain trauma.

I’m already taking high doses of coconut oil with krill and calamari oil- seems to be helping. I’ve even been doing 48 hour coconut oil fasts- coconut oil is direct brain fuel.


My sleep is getting deeper (no longer in the lucid dreaming state), I’m starting to retain information from my studies, and my memory recall is improving.

when i started keto diet, on the first week i woke up every morning with erection, but after that got back to normal

Two studies I found pretty much directly imply that coconut oil is a strong 5-a inhibitor (i’m too lazy to post here) so I suggest that you pay attention to your symptoms once you drop coconut oil entirely. Glad to hear that you are better cognitively/mentally anyways, you need that part the most in recovery.