The first Trial with SAGE-217

Not to my knowledge, as it is a very very hard substance to get…For ppl who dont have access to research chemicals, the only option to get SAGE-217 would be either Waiting till it gets approved (Which is something, that is not happening soon, after the Mountain-Trial has failed) or buy it from sketchy chinese providers. where you cant be 100% sure of getting the legit SAGE-217 (I wont say, that they can send something, that is really poisonous for the human body, as for them its only a “research” chemical, and shouldnt be applied to humans, as this also applies to legit chemical vendors, for the previously named reason…So its a risk, that only should be taken by someone who is willing to take it…See before anyone kills himself, i truly believe, that he should try everything to get better, and if not then go ahead do it, i wont stand between a man, and his deliverance)


Hope you’re alright @silentpain89 looking forward to your update at the end of the month


Hej @silentpain89 got any updates? It’s the end of the month and I’m really curious what your experience was :smiley:


Give him a few more days

I hope silentpain89 has some good news to report.

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Yeah, I hope it has been good effects

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My suspicion is that had the effect been positive he’d be singing it’s praises from the rooftops.


Positive or not I would just like an update


I just hope he didn’t do anything to harm himself.


to me it seemed as though he was too skeptical to comment on positives early on

he’s a doctor, he might be busy


I bet Khera bribed him to stay quiet because Baylor is probably working on their own PFS cure that is competing with SAGE-217.


Here we go…

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I don’t think he has any contact with Baylor

At least none that has been mentioned publicly…

I literally laughed when reading this. Brightened my day :slight_smile:



Lol… pretty funny assumption, but maybe it’s better to be gratefull he tried something we are not able/willing to pay and to not come up with ridicilous assumptions to downgrade him.

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Not sure why people on here entertain conspiracy theories-- scientific process is often slow and long, not as flashy as quick in our Instagram, bottom of the screen crawl, kind of world…

I think conspiracy theories for this thread are pointless but with the Baylor study it seems highly plausible

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