The Edge Effect - Overview & neurotransmitter treatments

The Edge Effect: Revolutionary Brain-Mind-Body Science
by Dr Braverman (author of “The Edge Effect”)

PDF: … Effect.pdf

Good info on vitamins, minerals, diet, supplements, how to balance neurotransmitter deficiencies, etc including:

Dopamine: The Energy Prescription
Acetylcholine: The Memory Prescription
GABA: The Calm Prescription
Serotonin: The Mood Prescription

For anyone considering seeing Dr. Braverman, read this: (Copy & Paste link into web browser to make it work)

I’m still considering becoming his patient, but will take into account the information contained in this article that is critical of him. In particular, I am going to find out if they can forgo the BEAM EEG since it’s such an expensive test.

I went to see him, tons of money, lots of flash…little result. He basically put me through a bunch of shiny equip to come up with: paxil. A ten cent shrink could’ve done the same. I don;t think we can pin our hopes on any one doc. The best so far are the ones who actually believe we have a physcial problem, Braverman does not.

It is important we be mindful of those peddling cures for whatever ails you, who charge enormous fees in order to conduct “tests” to try and figure out where the exact “problem” lies.

While Braverman is certainly knowledge about neurotransmitters etc, he is also a salesman trying to sell his services and supplements. Keep that in mind.

Found maybe some very good news,
I was looking up a lot about Melcangi and neurosteroids and stumbled on a video that is amazing,
There’s some research drugs that can up regulate ar all neurosteroids and jumpstart 5ar enzyme,
Here’s the video,
