It seems common that for those who get the short lived surge of androgens then crash that ed/tissue changes occur almost instantaneously, how is this possible? I read of changes to penile structure due to hypopoxia and absence of nocturnal/spontaneous erections but how come the cocks go back to normal then within a few days or even less undergo drastic change in appearance and quality, ticking the boxes in the second part of the member profile. Is this due to some sort of prostate damage?
I went right into the crash and shrunk right away. Never had a brief recovery period. I got the signature PFS bending, rotation and ‘kink’ right away. The penile shrinkage has easied up a bit. The other items along with testicular shrinkage have not resolved. I think they are permanent scars. To your point, the penis did recover the most recently after anti-biotics for prostatitis. After a month long stretch of recovery that peaked at about 80-90 percent, prostatitis has come back and the penis has shrunk back some (not to the crash size, but shorter and wrinkled). I would say the prostate has a lot to do with it.