The androgen receptor hypothesis of PFS, and stopping/starting T

I tend to feel the best (have the most nocturnal erections, restful sleep, libido, vivid dreams) in the period of time (usually days or weeks) that I STOP TRT or Clomid.
Same improvement happens in the days or week RESTARTING TRT or Clomid.

Moderators and experts among us can tell me if this sounds like the hypothesis that too much androgen in me from TRT/Clomid works against me (and many other guys).

So that would be the damaged androgen receptor that cannot handle androgens??? Thoughts?

Well if an overexpression of AR is the problem then increasing androgens will cause a temporary increase in stimulation causing a decrease in pfs symptoms and then quickly followed up by further downregulation of these overexpressed receptors (reversing improvements). From my understanding the body responds to increasing androgens via supplementation to some homeostatic decrease which would become evident upon discontinuing (maybe enough for further sensitising). At the same time some of these receptors will start to come back online after the supplementation is discontinued. So possible minor extra sensitising would cause the reduction of pfs symptoms. I’m no expert I’m just speaking from my own experience, maybe someone else can step in with some more scientific terms.

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I mean, or estrogen.

I believe in the HPTA axis reset theory. A lot of bodybuilders experience the same typical side effects after a bad cycle.

A lot of them get better after multiple cycles with a good pct.

I felt the same when I was on finasteride, when i took at the end one day every 3 or 4; and also when I voluntariary interrumpted the treadment.
I felt much worst the day i took it, and I felt better when i was off it, improving every day. Thus hapoen when i definitely interrupted the treatment, until i crash.
So i can imagin this is a similar effect.

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