The Androgen-Deficient Aging Male: TRT Treatment Options

The Androgen-Deficient Aging Male: Current Treatment Options … id=1502321


Abstract: All delivery forms of testosterone should be equally efficacious in treating the androgen-deficient aging male if adequate serum testosterone levels are obtained.

The testosterone preparations available in North America include the oral undecanoate, injectable testosterone esters, the scrotal patch, the nonscrotal transdermal patch, and the transdermal gels.

Selection of a specific testosterone preparation for replacement therapy depends on many factors, including the magnitude and pattern of serum testosterone levels produced, side effects of the particular formulation, reversibility if an adverse event should occur, convenience of use, cosmetic issues related to the preparation, and cost.

In addition, potential adverse effects of testosterone therapy applicable to all forms of testosterone delivery, such as fluid retention, gynecomastia, polycythemia, worsening of sleep apnea, change in cardiovascular-disease risk, or alterations in prostate health, need to be considered both prior to therapy and during treatment monitoring.

Another article on TRT.

On the first article I looked at the first line of the abstract.

This is categorrically wrong and fails to take into account the differing T/DHT/E2 ratios and the differing effects on SHBG which all have an impact upon free testosterone. If also fails to address the fact that a testosterone blood test is nothing more than a snapshot of the level of testosterone at the time the blood was taken, so that a high total testosterone means little as the indivudal could be on a up and down rollercoaster of highs and lows with certain form of treatment.

I could go on and on, but I won’t as the first line was so at fault that it showed the limitations of the author knowledge from the outset.

I agree, wtf is with this simplistic bullshit?

to the ones who are on trt or tried it in the past, which type do you prefer among gel, syringes, pills and plasters? I read palsters act as natural testosterone but they say testosterone when applied on skin has more possibilities to be turned into dht or estradiol and my dht is already very high and i don’t want to raise my estradiol that has always been normal though. In addition i heard syringes’ testosterone turns into dht and estradiol more difficultly. Any advices?

IMO go bioidentical and the gel. With the gel you don’t have fuss with the shots at all or go through the day one high to last day low rollercoaster. Personally I didn’t have any androgenic effect from TRT but I’ve spoken to plenty of doctors about it. You’ll have to have regular labs checking your e2 regardless of which delivery method you try.

you mean that with syringes i would feel too much testosterone the first days and then the effect will die away till the next syringe? did you mean that?

I can say categorically that this is false. The most important thing for us is DHT. I was on 100mg compounded cream a day then changed doctors. The new doc put me on 200mg injectable Testosterone cypionate a week, which is a pretty high dosage. I felt pretty good but I lost my libido and erections, no night time wood…nothing. So I went back to cream but at a higher dosage and it’s now coming back. I have to be about 3 or 4 times over the range on DHT to even feel anything. The perfect solution to our problem would be to take Mesterolone, which is a methylated DHT tablet you take orally. It is widely available everywhere except North America and is supposed to be extremely effective. DHT cream would probably work but you can’t get that in the US. Lately I’ve been wondering if my doc would put me back on injectable but also add compounded cream as you might get even high conversion to DHT if your overall T levels were already at optimal levels.