The aging of my face

I know Sir, i even read that article of urs…u are doing a great help by spreading awareness…

But why have they written “it can destroy a man’s love life”. Love life is considered nothing as compared to what we are going through. If it was just a ruined love life i would’ve been the happiest guy.


@anon74895881 Yes mate they downplayed everything and wouldn’t print what I told them was really happening. In reality I’m in hell 24/7 destroyed, nothing has been left untouched. A few hours sleep per night is the only restbite. I don’t know how I face this each day j really don’t but it’s what we do. I hang on in the hope that my faith brings around the change towards an improvement in health and symptoms. @anon74895881 is it the same for you? N.B I reworded the post as it was a bit heavy, emotional!

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@anon74895881 the last thing in my mind is the little fella downstairs, we’d happily remain unichs to get out of this tortured life. Getting the word out on our suffering is the only way. If people really knew Justice would be demanded.

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Ya i’ve almost same symptoms as urs. Mentally i am still somewhat doing good like, i can play video games and watch movies and read books. But physically i can’t do anything, i can’t play any sports or run, sexually as well. My muscles from head to toe are not responding to my own androgens. That is why i am going to start trt with proviron next month, to see if i react amy different to exogenous androgens. The worst thing is i am just 23, the age where i should start my career, i am bed bound. I don’t wan’t to live like this for another 60 years. And researches offcourse are not going to be around for next 100 years, becoz nobody cares.

Plz don’t loose ur mental strength that’s it. Have u ever tried DHT instead of testosterone? How was ur reaction to it?

Ya that article was focusing more on impotence and sexual problems than our physical and mental symptoms. These idiots can’t estimate what this drug can actually do.

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@anon74895881 fucking hell mate at 23!!! This is a barbaric condition. Thankfully your mental stuff isn’t as bad, for me it’s the worst even though the physical stuff is becoming terrible. Are you able to work? I haven’t tried DHT, I’m too afraid now as everything has hurt me and made things worse. If I’d known I had Pfs years ago I wouldn’t have been throwing different supps at something I knew nothing about trying to rectify the evergrowing inexplicable list. I think this made me a lot worse. Sitting around waiting things out is just as tough. I’m a solutions person as most of us are. Good luck man and keep me posted

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Yup, just 23. Got this at 22. What else can be worse than this? No i am not able to work, i can’t sit for few hours. I cannot walk and have all that physical stress which a normal person can do. My fatigue is terrible. My muscle weakness is extreme. All my dreams which i had 2 years ago are gone. What i see is many people here are very mild cases, so they don’t understand what the severe sufferers are going through. Some guys here claim “pfs is just a dysfunction of reproductive system”. And then comes the claims of some people like “why aren’t u exercising?”…this nonsense is never going ⁷to stop.

Ya i dm’ed u …

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It’s like being fastracked to the age of a 100 year old. Some of the others haven’t got a clue. Take care mate. In my prayers tonight :heartbeat:

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Subcutaneous fat loss is unrelated to androgen receptors. Fat is normally controlled by the androgen/estrogen ratio. The degeneration we have suffered is probably related on the one hand to the drop in oestrogen and on the other hand to inflammation levels. If things were that simple, taking a proviron cycle would cure us all.

I started to experience fat loss in my face when I stopped taking finasteride, when I was taking it it was the other way round and logically it is related to oestrogen.

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Estrogen plays a big part in skin quality etc. You often see women who dramatically age after the change. Unfortunately for some of us the receptors are fucked so theres no way out unless this gets fixed.

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Has anyone improved this symtoms? My face look really diferrent now

I still wonder is it really ageing or isotretionin damaged my skin. I am still usually told that I look much younger than my real age. But I’ve noticed some frustrating changes right after the Roa course, like skin lost a lot in firmness and I started to develop some noticeable wrinkles. I mean, nobody lives young forever, but the rate of change seems a bit depressing and suspiciously coincides with the drug course.

Same, losing my face rly badly since pfs. At one moment i tried retinol, made me way worse. My face got lot worse since retinol. I have more sleeping wrinkles than smiling ones…

I have the opposite symptom. When I first took fin, my face got extremely oily and tons of zits started forming.

I actually feel that my face got more ‘youthful’ over the past year.

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Going through this process right now… Used fin from early July 2022 to August 2022, so 2 months. Did anyone recover from these face changes at all? Or does anyone have any tips? Is it adrenal? Any tips for what to test in our blood? Or it doesn’t matter anyway?

Fasting may help

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Yes. My face looks better now. I think full spectrum infrared sauna helped me the most with that. Now i have more sebum on my face

Interesting link to autoimmune response
And apparently a test

> UCSF investigators have found an autoantibody biomarker for acquired lipodystrophy, paving the way for novel treatment options for this complex condition, which causes adipose tissue loss and metabolic complications
