The 1997 Propecia Clinical trials

I have thought about this for a while as a potential avenue to chase up.
Do we know of anyone who took part in the original clinical trials of Finasteride ? They would have been over 6 months in 1997 right? If not is there a way we could find out ?
There must have been someone who took part there who suffered side effects that did not resolve .

I honestly don’t think it is physically possible
for that many people to take the drug finasteride and not a single person develop the Post Finasteride Syndrome .
I’m wondering if we did find someone who has been suffering from that original trial that we might have a legal case , as that must be highly illegal to not publish clinical trial data with side effects like that . It is something that could be exposed and would be a bombshell if it was , it would definitely make the mainstream news and beyond it could even lead to a change in the law and how clinical trial data is reported .
It could be the catalyst to get awareness of the condition and make some changes in the progress of PFS

Whoever that was apart of the study must have signed off there rights so probably not

Whistleblowers are protected under federal law.

Mmm wasn’t aware of that. Then in that case it’s up to one of them to come forward, wasn’t there 2 people that didn’t recover after the clinical trials Merck did? I think I read that in the Reuter’s article correct me if I’m wrong. Trying to find them would be hard and I’m not sure if the source would be able to give out their names due to confidentiality. I could be wrong but it would have to be up to the person who got effected to come forward.

I am not really sure that we even 0.1 percent of the finasteride users. I believe we are pretty rare cases…

I mean if someone been in this clinical trial why wouldnt he sue the fuck out of them? Suffering what we are going through is crazy.

It might hasnt been in those clincal trials.

Interesting to know about the 2 people in the Reuter’s article , this was the one from Summer of 2019 right ?? The one where they said Merck covered up results from the trials or used clever language to alter the meanings??

Yes , I think that as they took part in something that’s supposed to have a level of transparency for the medical community they would be protected as whistleblowers .

It’s just the tricky case of finding these people as if A) they still are suffering with long term sides they may have assumed it is something else entirely like most people unaware of PFS do
B) they likely don’t know that PFS is a thing and therefore have no reason to come forward .

Which actually links to what others are saying in current discussions on other posts right now - with massive increases in awareness in the condition these people may eventually come forward

I hear you , but it’s like anything in life …if they don’t know about Post Finasteride Syndrome and are unaware of its existence they won’t come forward , even if there was one person who had the syndrome from being exposed at the trials and has been suffering this whole time.

There’s also the original Proscar trials which must have been from late 80s or 1990 . There could be people from that trial …although I’d truly like to believe time has cured them by now otherwise that’s some real bad news right there!!