Testosterone Eye Drops - Dry Eye Treatment- Meibomian Gland

Not sure how many of you have dry eye issues. I have found a doctor and compounding pharmacy willing to make this eye drop for me. The carrier is on backorder so it may be a week or so. Anyway androgen deficiency is directly related to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and dry eyes. We know this is an issue with some PFSers… The question is will we respond to therapy. I plan to find out soon. If it works I will post it here and you can PM me for more info on how you might try it for yourself.

Testosterone Eye Drop for the Treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

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hey man, any update on these eye drops?

I need to do something about my eyes. They’re getting worse. Been wondering if I will go blind.

Been to several opthamologists and neuro-opthamologists. They all say my eyes are fine. They’re definitely not fine. I have this swirly color thing in the center of my vision all the time. If I close one eye, there’s like this dark veil over half my vision. I wake up at 3AM every night because my eyes hurt and they’re beat red. Tons of floaters and light sensitivity. After images. Trying to find out the cause of all this.

So these are testosterone eye drops? I was reading up on hydrocortisone eye drops. Not sure if they would help.

Testosterone injections helped with the dryness. The drops were a big oily and made it harder to see. If you think you have inflammation you can get prednisone eye drops or take HC orally.

As a side note, I found some really good eye drops. Oasis Tears Plus. They’re a million times better than the eye drops I was taking before. My eyes instantly felt better. They’re a little bit more oily than my previous eye drops. I think it coats the eye better or something. My previous eye drops just made my eyes sting, and seemed to dry them out more.

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Those are the best eye drops you can get and even those didn’t help me early on. I don’t even use eye drops anymore. It took awhile on test but by skin and eye lids are producing oils again. Not as good as pre-fin but enough to be comfortable without the drops.

That’s awesome man. Good news.

Ya, I just ordered some more Oasis drops. They’re really good. I wake up every night at 3AM with blood red blood shot eyes. It’s ridiculous how red they get. The Oasis drops do help to calm down the inflammation.