it’s been about 1.5 years since i quit finasteride 1mg after 2 month using. I almost had all symptoms.
Ofcurse it turn me to kind of zombie person but now my main problem is my left testicular. before finasteride i have two testiculars healthy. but now my left testicular doesn’t look good. its size reduced and it’s direction has changed. sometimes i feel pain which i think is because of its direction. it doesn’t stand normal at all. also my left testicular have Varicocele grade 1. i have a few question if you could help me.please.
is there a way to increase the size of testicular? does its shape get better in future?
do you have any advice for me. its affect me badly.
Go see an endo. HCG or clomid May work. What are your hormone levels?
I also have problems with testicles. Have your mental issues suxh as a brain fog improved with time?
Variccolle might cause shrinkage usually on the left side. When fixed testicular size generally recovers. If shrinkage is asymmetric it is possibly because of variccocle. See an urologist…
Actually I went to an endo. they say it’s in normal range. I’ve done a blood test recently and its result will come the day after tomorrow. I will post here the result.
I’m not sure. I know I am not the same persan as I used to be. I can’t free my feelings. It’s locked.
My memory have never been good. I had bad days and good days.
I had Variccolle before PFS but me left side was even bigger than the right side.urologist said it’s grade is 1 so it doesn’t need to be fixed.