Those who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it.
Let this conversation with a negative loser be a lesson to anyone reading this:
NEGATIVE PEOPLE try to bring you down.
This person is suffering, probably quite a bit, and is therefore spreading his venom and pain onto those who are feeling better.
The reason this person does not answer my questions (How long did you take Propecia, how long ago did you quit, what sides are you suffering, intensity) is because he wishes to divert attention from himself onto others with bogus claims.
noprop - please do not spread your pain and venom onto anybody else in your life, and work hard at making yourself feel better.
HOW? By doing daily excercise, by eating healthy, by making new friends, having interests, leaving the house and having a happy life.
May you be well soon, and never post on this forum again, trying to make others feel as bad as yourself. Amen.