Targeting the HPA axis

i’ve come to the conclusion that all of our symptoms could be a direct result of a malfunctioning HPA axis. 99% of our symptoms can be directly related to these three components of the body, hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal gland. there is a direct result of these abnormalities coming after treatment with SSRIs, finasteride, and accutane. there is countless studies made on these topics, the evidence is in plain sight. sure some may have other symptoms not related to the HPA axis, but the vast majority of us do. now i’m not sure how to go about normalizing the HPA axis, but it is very important not to discredit all of the studies that are out there. the HPA is directly responsible for a ton of the hormones that are involved in basically every part of the body’s function. anyone wondering why they don’t react as much to alcohol or caffeine? well when the HPA is overactive there is no going above that. the energy boost you get from caffeine is because it causes the HPA to secrete cortisol to give you that boost. how ever these drugs are not banned is beyond me. but if our HPA can be modified into making us feel this terrible, why wouldn’t we be able to re-modify it back to normalcy?

accutane study on HPA:

finasteride study:

ssri study:

now i know there is a ton of debate on all of these drugs saying that our genes are modified and we can’t fix that without gene therapy. but the thing is, the HPA controls all of these hormones that are use for everything from emotion, to hunger. people have “windows” of normalcy from taking certain drugs, this wouldn’t be possible if our genes were broken. have you ever wondered why you rarely get sick anymore? it’s because the HPA is always active, this being so active it’s very hard for infections or sickness to occur with this over activity.

now i’m not a scientist but if this overactivity can happen, surely there is a way to reverse this process and allow the HPA calm down and let us live our lives again.

does anyone else notice how stress doesn’t really impact you anymore? or anxiety? well when your mind has been in a constant state of stress for years due to the hyperactivity, these feelings become the norm.

i think that more attention should be attributed to this theory as it has tons of potential.


I don’t think anyone disagree with you. The question is where the issues are specifically.

  • We previously presented evidence that immune system involvement and inflammation, bolstered by the low 5 DHT-environment seen in 5ARI use, may lead to development of benign prostatic hyperplasia and subsequent voiding symptoms in PFS. In this study, we observed that pathways controlling Tcell development, proliferation, and function, along with pathways involving cytokine signaling, were upregulated in study patients.

  • For genes related to steroid metabolism, specifically aldosterone, corticosterone, and cortisol, we identified several differentially expressed genes. For aldosterone: a gene coding for BMP2, which can inhibit aldosterone biosynthesis, was over-expressed.38 At the same time, BMP6, whose product can positively regulate aldosterone secretion, was under-expressed. Knowing that aldosterone is a substrate of 5AR, a decrease in available levels for reduction to its neuro-steroid (3-alpha,5-alpha-tetrahydroaldesterone) compounded with active inhibition of this process could impair neuro-steroid activity significantly. For corticosterone and cortisol, only one gene, PTPN11, which negatively regulates cortisol secretion, was identified.

  • In our microarray analysis, PTPN11 was underexpressed, implying a lack of negative regulation and thus increased cortisol secretion. Another gene, TAC1, positively regulates corticosterone secretion. Several genes that play a role in the response to cortisol and corticosterone were upregulated; notable genes include those playing a role in inflammation, such as FOS, IL1RN, PTGS2, SDC1, and TNF, as well as ZFP36 which upregulates tumor necrosis factor secretion.

This are quotes from the Baylor study.

Now they big question is, if this is due to loss of androgen signaling or something else. But there’s no doubt our immune system and HPA axis are both dysregulated.


It makes sense that propecia can do all of these gene expression or sth bc it aims to reduce DHT and decrease the 5ar. But please can you explain how accutane do the exact same thing like propecia? I experienced accutane almost broke all my organs but it doesn’t make any sense if it changed(?) the structure of genes in my body. I agree with nicopickle3’s theory. I definitely have some adrenal gland issues and HPA axis problems. Well maybe just for accutane nicopickle3’s theory makes sense but propecia… i do not think so. Our side effects may seem similar but there are so many different reasons and drugs which make people suffer similar effects. About PAS, i think the problem is completely in the Brain chemicals. If we manage the balance the correct neurotransmitters and heal the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal gland connection we will be fine. There so many reports and users in this forum who gets insane amounts of adrenal gland hormones or ridiculous results of cortizone changes in just one day.

I don’t know the exact mechanism but Accutane change a lot of genes.

You can explore more in this article.

You could maybe cross refence with Baylor study?

Whenever i try HPTA restart i get huge pain in balls. My LH, FSH, T are low af… tried clomid and nolvadex so far.