Tamoxifen Poll and Feedback

When did you take tamoxifen and how did it affect your PFS symptoms?

  • 0-3 months after crashing, cured ALL my PFS symptoms
  • 3-6 months after crashing, cured ALL my PFS symptoms
  • 6 months after crashing, cured ALL my PFS symptoms

  • 0-3 months after crashing, did nothing major for my PFS symptoms
  • 3-6 months after crashing, did nothing major for my PFS symptoms
  • 6 months after crashing, did nothing major for my PFS symptoms

0 voters

Brief History

I’ll try and keep this as succinct and to the point as possible. This thread aims to get more information on people’s use of tamoxifen after crashing and developing PFS.

I’ve written at length in 2011 about my experience with tamoxifen and i’ve reccomended this to numerous people since who believe they have crashed. I took the drug 3 months after crashing and it cured all my symptoms (physical, mental and sexual) fairly instantly (as in minutes) after my first table and i felt as good as i ever have in my life. I continued taking tamoxifen for 3 more weeks but crashed again and i’m left with my PFS symptoms again.

The clearest indication that i was cured was with my penis. Post crash (my 1st one) i had classic PFS sexual symptoms - shrivelled up genitals as well as complete Erectile Dysfunction and disconnection from my penis. Because i was awake when i crashed, i saw these symptoms were also acquired instantly. After my 1st tamoxifen tablet, i achieved a sudden reconnection with my genitals as well as a full blooded erection without thinking of anything sexual. Everything felt back to normal after that.

The key, as it appears to me at the moment, is to take tamoxifen early after crashing. I know lot’s of people have tried tamoxifen a long time after crashing with no results. A good analogy of what happens when we crash, is to think of it as a ‘switch’ being turned off and then we acquire all these horrible symptoms. It’s not a gradual thing.

For me, tamoxifen turned this ‘switch’ back on, if only for 3 weeks.


Since it has been 2 years since i posted about my experience, i fully expected there to be more crashers that would have found my thread and at least tried tamoxifen to see if it worked for them.

I fully understand people would be sceptical of one story that claims such results. So i think it’s important to get as much feedback on this as possible but i also want to raise general awareness of this.

I know not many people seem to bother with these polls or even posting at all. But this could be very important for all of us and i’ve got to try and push this as credibly as possible.

There are advantages to be gained from this poll/ thread for all of us:

  1. Hopefully people who crash in the future, see that taking tamoxifen early after crashing is worth a shot, as it is is an easy and relatively risk free experiment. Hopefully they will be cured and stay cured.

  2. With more people being cured, it becomes more obvious to the PFS community that there is something worth investigating here and tamoxifen becomes a 1st line treatment for people who have recently acquired PFS.

  3. For long term sufferers like myself, this would hopefully be useful to the PFS Foundation research teams because a) they could monitor changes in pre/post crash patients b) it could inform scientists on possible mechanisms or markers of PFS c) it could inform scientists of possible cures worth exploring such as stronger anti-estrogens.

3a) should read…they could monitor changes in patients pre/post tamoxifen treatment