Tackling weight gain

I’m having weight problems too-tho it could be because I’m hypothyroid…Get a full thyroid panel done…Once your thyroid is corrected, you will have an easier time losing weight.

Thanks annon. I will ask my endo to order the tests

i also gained 11 kilos while training (gym, running, swimming) like a crazy and eating very healty. my abdominal fat is incredible…


If it turns out you have a thyroid problem you may likely be insulin resistant as well. You should lower your carbohydrate intake; cut out bad carbs like breads, pastas, cereals, etc. Eating these types of foods raises your blood sugar and your body can’t process the sugars. This can cause problems with LH & T production as well as weight gain.

Read more at Suite101: Hypothyroidism - free Suite101 course suite101.com/lesson.cfm/1891 … z0uKb2mD36

My weight fluctuations have been crazy, now I have a big stomach and weigh my heaviest ever but still lost muscle mass.

I have gained weight in the last few days. This is very abnormal. I have excercised daily, not changed my diet(eat very clean), and have weighed 182-185 consistently since about two months after my crash. The last few days I have seen an increase in abdominal fat and breast fat and now weigh 190. I do feel like I’ve also regained muscle in the arms and legs strangely also. Is the weight gain most sufferers have seen been a gradual increase as time goes on after stopping the drug or have most gained the weight within the first few months of stopping and then continued to maintain it??

I was heavier while on the drug. I weighed approximately 195 with a lot of fat in the mid section, butt, and abdominal area especially in the months before stopping.

I continue to gain weight every day. I am freaking out big time! How can this happen after eight months???

I have a fat layer all around my mid section. Breast are starting to form. I have a layer of excess fat forming around my buttocks. I have not changed my diet. I have been 100 percent clean paleo. I have not changed my excercise routine. In fact, I have been working out more consistantly the past few weeks.

This is devastating. How after eight months does this happen!?

Increase in estrogen? Increase in prolactin? Lowered androgen levels? Disturbed androgen/estrogen ratio in favor of estrogen? Androgen resistance?

Only way to know is to do testing.

I also gained weight but I think it’s partly the estradiol and also the way that I have no motivation to do that much sports .
in my teens I was also overweight and from I would say 16-21 I lost a lot of it . But now I’m overweight again the strange thing is that the fat distribution is a different one . So I gained more around the kidney area and a bit on the breast and of course the tummy fat.
I gained about 18 lbs in the last two years(as long as I have sideeffects). Well I’m pretty tall as well I’m 6.5 feet tall and my current weight is 230 lbs. I would say it’s for me also the psychological factor . I haven’t tried a diet yet,but I think now it’s time to do something.

Quick question, has anyone had their estrogen levels checked? In the doctor’s information about Propecia it said that estradiol levels were increased in men who took the drug during the original Proscar trials.

This is interesting as DHT may play a role in regulating estrogen levels in men and DHT may increase in response to rising estrogen levels, blocking DHT may result in increased estrogen levels which inhibit Testosterone production resulting in atrophy of testicles. Therefore after discontinuing the drugs, your natural hormone cycles may not recover due to testicular atrophy.

Keep in mind that the clinical trials for Proscar were conducted over 20 years ago, meanwhile the percent of obese and overweight people has exponentially increased. This comes into play as fat cells contain Aromatase which convert testosterone into Estrogen. Therefore if the clinical trials were conducted today the side effects could be more severe.

High estrogen levels will cause weight gain and ED issues. Inhibiting estrogen production could help you lose weight and with ED issues. However we need some as to little will also cause ED issues along with others too. There are prescription estrogen blockers and supplements such as DIM that work very well. If you get severe migraines they will pass (estrogen withdrawal headaches). Get your estrogen and testosterone levels to that sweet spot and you will love your life and will remember what it feels like to be a man. Also for testicular atrophy, body builders take HCG during off cycle to recover their natural testicle size and testosterone production.

I’d be interested to hear back if you have or if you get them checked let me know what you find out.

Sa methinks here. .shit ton of water weight gained around mid section…am now looking for an endocrinologist. .Anyone ever get an answer or was able to reverse this or lose the weight/fluid?

Guess not…so we are fucked???

I’m doing a ketogenic diet. Been doing for 3 weeks so far and my abs are starting to show through again.

Saw my dr last week…weight is getting even worse.Did a cbc said it was all normal and put me on prozac…Refered me to a holistic Medical clinic next where she said they do a mouth swab test for hormones…I am going there next week.

Same problem here, surely things have worsened since I stopped cigarattes, I gained fat wheight and all seems to be lying at the sides of my abdomen (love handles?) I never had that in my life but surely during and after fin things got harsh. I did workout pretty harder than how I did workout before fin. Things are pretty different, before fin, without a lot of effort I was able to gain a lot of muscles and without paying attention to the diet, and I was always lean. Now, I try eating proteins, workout very hard and do cardio, but I am not able to make muscles and to lose fat wheight apparently.

I will try to face this problem like if it was that I am pretty out of fit and therefore I will have to do more efforts to regain the same fit as before fin. So I am going to pay more attention to the diet, more proteins (vegetable proteins possibly as many animal products apparently trigger inflammation), less fats. And obviously I’ll workout hard. I’ll log everything, calories, proteins, carbs etc.

I’ve never been estrogen dominant, but now I really appear to be. Anyone knows how to permanently eliminate oestrogen dominance (without drugs please)? My guess, that I need to deepen, is that with a similar workout routine it might be possible…but I can’t be sure.

Mine is still increasing swelling is really bad around love handle area all the way to the front…Went to a holistic medical clinic this week and took about 6 viles of blood…Get results next week but its a lot of money for all this…Mean while you just suffer and continue to swell…

For me doing Core building exercises(abs workout Along with pushups and pullups.) has helped.

I was lean my whole life ,only after taking finasteride i got abdominal Fat.

When i first started it did’nt helped at all for months(now its been 1.5 years since i quitted).But with time it helped to control overall weight & Fat around tummy.Also i think it helped me to have muscle mass also.

Am I the only one who instead continue to slim down ? I have now lost 25 kg …

Still swelled like a tic…Been off 10 months…Abdominal and back area is so thick…Unreal…Looks like we fucked.

Hi Joe_in_Kirkland! Have you tried yet DIM to battle weight? Or anything that led to a positive result? Thanks man!