T3 supplementation may increase muscle wasting

If you are experiencing muscle wasting, you may want to consider this before supplementing T3:

(muscle catabolism = wasting)

Even though you may not be fasting, this could still apply to a certain degree.

was this in euthyroid or hypothyroid? it would make sense that wasting is increased if you take too much and therefore become hyperthyroid.

JN has reported less muscle mass in his recovery thread.

Jn is also taking far less androgens then previous dosages

T3 is responsible for metabolism. You want the body to process energy. Those processing well are FIT and LEAN. If you become hyperthyroid that is a different story, but none of us here are dealing with this problem. It’s the opposite in fact.

The thyroid produces 80% T4 and 20% T3.
T4 converts into RT3 and T3 in the liver.
By supplementing T3 you stop the body from producing T4 and therefore RT3, which JN has too much of.
RT3 blocks the action of T3 in the body, which is basic metabolism.
Without RT3 being produced in the body, T3 can properly metabolize energy in the cells.

Your body already naturally produces T3. Supplementing is not a bad thing and managed by correctly dosing T3. The pain is you become responsible for monitoring your T3 rather than your body naturally doing it, but hey, we’re already fucked.

This is but a tree in the forest…

I want to follow up on the logic behind supplementing T3. T3 increases metabolism, so you burn more energy. If you fast, you do not provide your body with energy to metabolize. Of course if you do fast and increase metabolism, your body is going to look for energy and take it from fat and muscle reserves. RT3 is one of nature’s ways of slowing this process down, however people with RT3 dominance have the opposite problem, they need to speed up some metabolism because it’s too slow.

T3 catabolizing muscles is a natural response if you are fasting.

We can also look at other metabolic chains in the process and question if they are processing fast enough. For example, is estrogen being metabolized quickly enough, is testosterone being produced enough?

Anyone ever drive an old car and flood it (put too much gas in the engine) before it’s properly started? Or have the car get too much air instead of gas? If you press too much or too little on the accelerator when your trying to start the car this can happen. I believe the same thing can happen to us if the thyroid is altered, too much of one thing can build up while the body is starved of something else. The damn thing won’t run at all without the accelerator, and it won’t run properly until the rest of the items are balanced.

I don’t think fearing loss of muscle mass due to supplementing T3 is the correct response. We need proper metabolism in order to develop real, strong, quick muscles again. I know mine have become soft and slow and non-elastic. Think a dough boy vs Brad Pitt in Snatch. I’d take lean, quick, and strong any day.

Martin - I’ve made a lot of post on t3 lately - going to use it? What’s your rt3?

I’m getting tested, don’t have the results yet. If the results signal an rt3 problems I will treat, I’m hoping I won’t need additional supps like cortisol, probably aldosterone. I read a post of Dr. Chrysler today, he called high RT3 and a low FT3/RT3 ratio a smoking gun. I just have to get it done here and need my girlfriend to come with me to translate, so haven’t been able to yet this week.

I wish my gun was smoking :smiley: