Symptoms after eating sugary foods

I had not been taking much sugar products lately, but I just ate some cake with a friend of mine to celebrate passing of a hard exam. The result: dizziness and fatigue. I have no idea why this happens, but I have had this since my finasteride side effects surfaced. I wonder where does this come from. Pancreas & insulin intolerance? Adrenal fatigue?

How many can relate to having dizziness, fatigue, or other symptoms after consuming sugar products? (I remember asking this at the old forum sometime last year and got at least a couple of yes-answers.)

I don’t believe this is finasteride related.

I got the same symptoms before fin and still do. Same goes for many people I know who aren’t on fin.

Some people think that avalanches in the andes are finasteride related.

Perhaps gravity on the moon is the way it is because of finasteride as well…you never know.

Dynaaminen, I definitely have these symptoms after consuming sugar products. I’ve started eating vegetables and protein (and no bread products or sweets) and feel noticebly better. I’m in the early stages of adrenal fatigue, and hopefully can be fixed with the info found on this webpage

Good luck, and let’s keep each other posted on how this goes.

That link is incorrect.

how so?

The difference really was like a night and a day for me when I first started to cut out sugars and high glycemic foods 8 months after quitting finasteride. Dr.Wilson tells you to eat in a low glycemic way in the book Adrenal fatigue - 21st century stress syndrome, because it is essential in fighting adrenal fatigue. But I do not remember that he ever talks about being dizzy after eating those. I will trust him on this in the future also.

Still, if our endochrinologic system is out of whack, why not pancreas also, which is the source of insulin…I have to search more about this subject when I have more time.

By the way, Letsconvenience at the old forum just reported being cured. He used dopamine boosting, cortisol control and progesterone.

Is this an insult targeted for me?

There is a straight connection between eating low/high glycemic way with adrenal fatigue, you can read it from anywhere. And adrenal fatigue has a link to finasteride side effects. I remember you putting off progesterone treatment also, now at least 3 persons have gotten well on it.

Just hit the breaks now, dude. You might be able to give some useful advice in general, but you do not know enough to be judging people like this before you have even studied anything on the subject.

This is not a call for war, as I saw you have had a bit of a quarrel on this forum previously. But I ask you in a nice manner to be careful with your sarcasm. I wish you all the best.

I agree, we need to compare symptoms to know what are happening to us, and this is the place to do it. Even if it sounds far out.

I also get unwell after eating sugar. I have stage 7 adrenal fatigue and have been off sugar for 1½ year. The few times I try and eat sugar, I get more dizzy and more brainfogged. Im looking into the possibility I might suffer from insulin resistance, and will do a glucose tolerance test shortly.


Legenden, I did not say it but this was exactly what I was hoping to hear. That someone with similar symptoms would go and do an insulin/glucose resistance test. Let me hear about the results then, ok?

How are the stages diagnosed for adrenal fatigue? is there a list of different stages somewhere?

Saliva test.
Click on the link all the way down to see stage 1, and then forward.


I hope you expound on this statement. You have a tendency to post cryptic messages and never respond.

All you have to do is click on the link to know what I mean.

Works fine for me. Are you sure you waited for the whole page to load?


He means that the content of the page is hogwash. I don’t know why, but he doesn’t want to explain.

Old post but If I eat sugar, in the next day I wake up with severe brain fog and fatigue. not only sugar but any kind of carbo like alcohool.