Sweat glands - Appocirine

In human beings, apocrine glands are concentrated in the underarm and in genital regions; the glands are inactive until they are stimulated by hormonal changes in puberty.

I have also read that the difference between regular sweat glands and the apocrine sweat gland is fat. Do we have a problem with fat apsorbtion/metablization?

You know when hamburger and fries/ you get greasy and pimple? Doesnt happen anymore.


Fat absorption is also neccesary for hormone production… I read somewhere about the gall bladder being very dependant on fat absorption is it flushes out old hormones to make way for new ones?!

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There is something to this fat theory - as I was fat, in January, before taking Spironolactone, I lost 7 kgs - and this was fat from my organs, like always, the unhealthy one.
What I believe started happening in February when I started taking Spironolactone, as my body change to estrogen dominance, the receptors got screwed up, I experienced massive subcutaneous fat loss - so I was losing weight, but not getting healthier at all!! That’s why all the veins are visible, etc

My apocrine glands are not active either, I don’t produce any body smell at all. Greasy and pimple? I wish one day, I wish!

Regards @joey10!

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