Suppressed 3a-hydroxysteroid may be the cause?

years of pain and suffering to include punitive damages. Propeica lawsuits are difficult mainly due to the lack of explanation. Once a big find is made this will change.

I am getting my results no worries here and i’m not paying for them. It’s just the annoyance of needing to go through a doctor to have the test who’s first priority is money and to even need to remind them of my entitlement to my results . Access to the test without needing to deal with this BS would be much better

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Im going to make a blood test on monday, what do you recommend to me besides these hormones? Allopregnanolone or any other? Are they testable? Thx.

-Testosterone Total
-Testosterone Free
-DHT (if possible)
-PSA (total or free?)

Try to make sure your E2/Estradiol is Sensitive/Ultrasensitive.

Also, try to have Prolactin tested

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I posted that 3 years ago.It turns out 5ar transform some T into DHT. 3a-HSD eliminates DHT so that it doesn’t accumulate. They are not antagonists, but one makes DHT and the other destroys it to keep the balance.

I’m passed posting long theories, but if 5ar got much lower because of fin, 3a-HSD would also have to get lower IMHO in order to not eliminate all DHT in the body. This way, someone could produce less 5ar, less DHT but by having less 3a-HSD to eliminate the DHT, DHT could be at normal level.

However, low 5ar and low 3a-HSD still means low Allopregnanolone and low 5a-THDOC.
Very stressful, always hyped and anxious and having insomnia.


All the best to you all !


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Hi Ozeph i’ve read this thread about 3a-HSD. I didn’t take Fin or any meds but only small doses of sulforaphane for a few days which has caused immediate insomnia (0-2 hours sleep per night for weeks) from the first days and still persistent after 5 month. I was already sleeping bad all my life and was used to being very sensitive when it comes to supplements and sleep but usually bad sideffects only lasted for a few days or a week.

It’s also my only real symptom. The other ones (if there are any they are very minor or caused by sleep deprivation).

The classic things like working out or taking cold showers make it worse (i think due to some cfs/pem related things i already had before) so they are not a solution.

What is your current state on this matter how to tackle it within the 3a/b-HSD?

Would it be worth a try to decrease 3a-HSD (how) while also decreasing 3b-HSD and increasing DHT with Tribulus or Creatine and supplementing something like pregnenolon?

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The questions are too technical for me to articulate an answer within the limits of the terms and conditions for using this website.

You can private message me if you want.